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Brave Policeman Kneels On Zero's Neck

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Peter Pedant | 08:56 Sat 18th Jul 2020 | News
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no thread on this yet.
so I thought I would remind you
what do ABers think? - my own surprise is the speed at which the police conduct dept acted, why it was put on internet media without complaint
and why the body cameras were not showing they were on - so the only film is viral on the internet

oh and the editor has asked me to point out that the sunny Sun report that one explained " I was only taking the knee" is completely untrue - he said something else



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I'll type slower for you next time.
21:14 Sun 19th Jul 2020
So disrespectful to Danny !!!
PP, I used, what is lacking in some of these posts, my common sense and training.Incidentally I never ran away from anything.Are you deliberately trying to be offensive?
Bobbi, respect is something rare in the posts of certain Abers on here.
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.. Why would anyone be interested in joining the police?..

puts hand up - four relations in the police

and yes mgt in nmationalised industries has always been pretty terrible with no signs of ikprovement
Danny, I agree 100%
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// re you deliberately trying to be offensive?//

danny a rare apology - I apologise
altho as usual I dont know what
go back to the offending post,
and you will read - - for us punters
which means does it not - those of us in the large majority who are not policemen
and yes Philip Hughes really did run the courses and that was his advice .... and all his listeners were non policemen 1985.

[I thought you were gonna say - that is absolutely true - all the prisoners were terrified of him]
Some do crawling to get popular, others just speak their mind.
TC, Which category do you fall into?
The nastiest one Danny
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oh a lead into free speech
yes I was gonna congratulate posters that not one post has been removed
so respect or not
people are keeping their hands to themselves
long may it continue - - - we can all put one of those little used gold stars on the fridge
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no no stop all of you
- - - - breaks out into If Auld Acquaintance be forgot
and start air kissing everyone
If both cops are not sacked and prosecuted, it sends out the wrong message to the rest of the forces.
There a good coppers and there are bad coppers. It just seems that today there are more bad coppers.
I very nearly became a policeman. I would have been old school. Not PC as required today. My brother in law was a chief inspector and couldn’t wait to leave because of the political nonsense, and the incompetence he witnessed.
David //couldn’t wait to leave because of the political nonsense, and the incompetence he witnessed.//
Along with many other good coppers, which left the force in the hands of the inexperienced incompetents.
The law isn't Just there for the good
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// My brother in law was a chief inspector. He couldn’t wait to leave because of the political nonsense, and incompetence he saw.//

oh My brother in law was a something and was shown the door directly after a successful murder prosecution.
dont they keep on the men who bring home the bacon?
and he said - no
No one knows the true facts of this situation, but one thing I do believe is this government is looking for a good excuse to show how they support black lives matter, whether they do or don't, but they sure don't want to see any more riots if they can help it, so whether these two officers did right or wrong you can be sure they will get the book thrown at them. Has for folk who always come across has being goody goody, demand they lose their jobs, not only that but their pensions, must also be nasty, especially when they themselves don't know what really happened, but come in with all guns blazing on a police officer who is trying to keep the public safe. Know all, know nothing.
It's 'as' not 'has'
TC// Know all, know nothing.//
Thanks for admitting it,good for you.
Lost for words B :0))))))

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