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//That doesn’t appear to be the case//
Of course, you would be an expert when it comes to what I believe in. Get a grip woman. I've long defended anyone I've seen being victimised online, even you if the need arose, although I'd imagine you're well capable of fending for yourself. On here, I've been known to defend folk such as Theland, even though I completely disagree with his beliefs (and will also go against him if he is being unreasonable too).
//I can’t imagine anyone would agree with the way in which Harry and Meghan have treated the queen and the royal family, for example, in, among other things, announcing their planned departure through social media. Their lack of respect was breathtaking//
I said at the time that they showed a lack of class with how their leaving the monarchy was dealt with, although as I said previously, the royal family isn't a frequent focus of my attention.
//and yet not a word of criticism from you for any of it.//
Do you remember my posts from when they broke away from the royals? Why would you? I don't remember the details either.