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Proud Of The Proud Boys

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allenlondon | 12:34 Wed 14th Oct 2020 | News
96 Answers
A bit surprised that Trump's reference to his Proud Boys has gone uncommented in this columns.

Here is a taste of the 'leader' (Gavin McInnes)'s views:

"Gavin McInnes has claimed that “fighting solves everything” and in a video message hosted by Rebel Media he once boasted that Proud Boys “are the only ones fighting” the anti-fascist collective Antifa. “I want you to fight them too,” he continued. “It’s fun. When they go low, go lower. Mace them back, throw bricks at their head. Destroy them. We’ve been doing it a while now and I’ve got to say, it’s really invigorating.”

I can't link to the New Statesman for the full article (you have to be a paid-up subscriber), but here IS the full article on my g-drive:

I think it's important to understand what you're supporting, and I know there are a lot of Trump supporters on here.



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PP, oops! You’ve missed picking on a couple of bits of my posts here. You’re slipping. Have another go.
Allen, why would anyone want to read a warped version of what was said when they can listen directly to what was actually said?
Even if Trump we’re silent that would be bad enough.
I’m reminded of Thomas Cromwell’s words at Thomas More’s trial in A Man For All Seasons: “this silence betokened, nay, this silence was, not silence at all, but most eloquent denial!”
Ok not “denial” in Trump’s case, and Cromwell is supposedly the bad guy, but nonetheless ...
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What I said (with the "offensive" bit removed (to whom?) was:

Hello Peter.

Does it surprise me that none of the 'opposition' has actually read the original article, or the supporting links?

N O it doesn't surprise me. Should it?

Do they read anything? Do they care about anything?

And then I went a little overboard, and Nanny smacked me.

It may be more than the false narrative of this 2 week old manufactured "story" that is warped Naomi. Not all the citizens of America are as gullible and ill informed as our own deranged marxists.

It turns out not everybody believes the Proud Boys are white supremacists, including a prominent Black professor at a historically Black university.
Wilfred Reilly, associate professor of political science at Kentucky State University, said Wednesday that “the Proud Boys aren’t white supremacists,” describing the right-wing group’s beliefs as “Western chauvinist” and noting that their international chairman, Enrique Tarrio, is Black.

I, like millions more, will for now stand down and stand back. It is called the silent majority.
// you’re slipping. Have another go.//

delayed on another thread - my apologies - some AB crazy thinks that John the evangelist wasnt John the apostle ... then you get the endless whining - have you met him and how do you know
oh lardy lardy

Our Gt leader Boris the bonka that is! hasnt done any what-if-Biden-wins planning
oo er mrs !
so will we be caught short?

// said Wednesday that “the Proud Boys aren’t white supremacists,” //

this is like Epstein saying " I am nart a child molester" - or Bradley Murdoch the outback murderer saying !that is not me" in the video
( the jury thought it was) - and he did
“ Our Gt leader Boris the bonka that is! hasnt done any what-if-Biden-wins planning ”

Roger Boyes (I know, poor lad) covers that well in the Times today.
All that flattery wasted :-)
What do the Right Wingers among us thing Donny meant by "Stand by" then?

To me, it means "stand by for action", but I'm willing to be educated.
//why would anyone want to read a warped version of what was said when they can listen directly to what was actually said?//

How do you know it's warped if you haven't read it? That strikes me as a fingers in ears response.
Mozz, I posted the video of the original conversation after reading the blurb. When someone presents something I think could be a bit iffy - and this definitely had a distinct whiff about it - I tend to look further. Doubtless inconvenient to the spinners - but tough.
//What do the Right Wingers among us thing Donny meant by "Stand by" then?//

Oh dear we are now going to make the spoken word political(sarc). You are quite right to look for definitions anywhere but to the left. In America of course some phrasal verbs can take on a slightly different different meaning in English than they do in the Country that developed the language. But here the Collins dictionary has this definition as an interpretation.
""to be near or present, esp. in a passive manner or as a mere onlooker""

Your usual effusive thanks will not be necessary in this instance.
What do the Right Wingers among us thing Donny meant by "Stand by" then?

Are you saying that a person's political leaning will determine what DT meant?
I suppose that explains the nonsense in the OP.

''Trump's reference to his Proud Boys''

Why are they Trump's proud boys?

//Are you saying that a person's political leaning will determine what DT meant?//

No, but it will determine that individual's interpretation of his meaning, which is what I was looking for.

Only Trump himself knows his actual intent with the phrasing, the rest of us can only draw our own conclusions.
On the night I got the impression Trump didn't know much about these 'proud boys' This seems to back that up.

''Trump's reference to his Proud Boys''

Why are they Trump's proud boys?
Well if you said they were a load of Yankee w***ers, you'd be wrong...
"According to the organization, their loyalty oath include a statement along the lines of "I'm a proud Western chauvinist, I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world" and a pledge not to masturbate.[16][33][62][63][64][65] The masturbation policy was later modified to read: "no heterosexual brother of the Fraternity shall masturbate more than one time in any calendar month".[66] (Wiki)
It's obvious that one's interpretation of what was said depends on the pre-existent views of the listener or reader. My view is that Trump is a fascistic type, who thinks that physical retaliation is the right way to respond to criticism. He seems to be incapable of putting up a reasoned response to anything, simply lash out and hope for the best. Sad to see people who won't get it.

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