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Banks Closing Accounts For Political Reasons...

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Spicerack | 06:53 Fri 16th Oct 2020 | News
65 Answers
Anybody agree with it?

A short precis if you can't/don't want to watch the video. (which I'll post below)
Laura Towler (Nationalist blogger) tried to pay for her shopping, card declined. Tried to get cash from the ATM, card declined. Went to her branch (Santander), Manager called her in 'Account locked'. No reason given. 3-4 weeks later, she was sent a letter Account(s) closed, money refunded.
Presumably at the behest of the Gov. or one of their agencies.
Personally, I think it's disgraceful. Reminiscent of the non-citizens in China.
What say you?


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Seen the video before. Some of the dangers of a cashless society is well explained. I don't believe it should be permitted not to give reasons, it's basic courtesy to be told why someone's choosing to cause you problems. Apart from that there's clash of rights, one side's right not to have to serve someone they don't wish to serve versus and another's right not...
07:54 Fri 16th Oct 2020
The pendulum swings. Oh dear me.
SR //Do you think people's bank accounts should be shut down for political reasons.//
Of course not, but there is no evidence of this in this case.
If the reasons are above board and morally legitimate the bank should have no problem in explaining their decision. Therefore, the question must be why won’t they?
From what I can gather from the video provided, the manager read out a prepared statement which he said he was not allowed to expand upon. Although not conclusive, this suggests some kind of outside interference.
They have every right to withdraw their service at any time.

For reasons, maybe they should have told her to take a long deep look into her rotten bitter twisted anti-Semitic soul.

Maybe it was Ant & Dec. Wouldn’t blame them.
Possibly because, having been bailed out by the probs a few years back on account of their fast and loose ways, banks see themselves as a bit special and therefore normal courtesies needn't apply.

Aloof might describe them.
It need not be outside. Presently they are allowed to treat folk this way. It's possible that board members became aware of her views and decided they didn't want the bank's image associated with this particular customer and their views, so sent the word down to quietly get rid of her.
Plebs, not probs.
If a bank closes or suspends an account it's because they have been advised that it may have been used for money laundering or in some way connected with financial fraud, probably without the holder's knowledge.,
In those circumstances they would not reveal any more than they had to. It is unsatisfactory, but that's what it is just now.
At least this person got their money refunded. And can presumably open another account.
I say that you havent shown that the account was closed for political reasons

( ah yes but what other reason can there possibly be?
Like Princess Diana when she alive dat is - must be pregant because she came down to London - after all what other reason can there be)

[diana dead now but not then]

prog on this yesterday - BBC reip offs c Angela Rippon
full of hard cases that angela rippon could NOT understand
but by God she burbled like an ABer!

algorithms detect abnormal use and close cards
mine was closed after three bottle of vod were bought pinless from a local who SHOULD have realised the afro caribbean buyer was not me ( but cdnt resist a sale howsoever gained)

the pretty afro-caribbean latina who pouted beautifully to our Ange on the prog that her account had been closed hours after her son - more afro and less Latino - paid in £2000 because he 'had to'.

Ange burbled she still could mnot understand why this had occurred whilst the roues of Newton Heath shouted 'drugs!' at the screen.

AND there is an offence - erm s 323 POCA possibly - of tipping off. that means the staff must answer "gottle of geer gottle of geer" when asked by the account holder why.

oh and you get black listed as well which means that you never get credit again. rule 1 - do not poss off the high st banks

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//If a bank closes or suspends an account it's because they have been advised that it may have been used for money laundering or in some way connected with financial fraud, probably without the holder's knowledge.,//

Absolute nonsense.
looks like Santander is managed by the libFac hordes.
Goodness me Peter.

The mere suggestion that a fascist anti-Semitic organisation could engage in nefarious activities??

Have you not had your herbal tea yet?
If people like the Patriotic Alliance god forbid ever got their way, I am sure they would not stop at closing people's bank accounts and returning their money. We do political repression in this country like no one else. Not for us the vials of novichok or the bullet in the back, oh no: just a letter from Mr Briggs, the manager of the local bank, with a cheque: reinvest that you nasty person!
It does make me smile.
// Therefore, the question must be why won’t they?//
oh easy one today

because of the offence of 'tipping off' (*) - which is a crime

Note 1
If you work in the regulated sector, it's a criminal offence under section 333A of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) to tell a person that: a report has been made if you know or suspect that you're likely to prejudice an investigation by disclosing this information.21 Jan 2020

Note 2 (*) everyone knows this innit? it is just much funnier to write " what dat den" and then when told, rejoin with a crushing " I knew dat really!" which is the funniest of all

Noe 3 christ I knew this and I FAILED the relevant exam
Have you not had your herbal tea yet?

thank you thank you readers - I am on my peace muesli ( knitting according to the usual pattern ). Herbal tea later ( no shug-shug)
Were that the reason surely the investigation would be over and a undetailed explanation able to be given well before the end ?
My, you're quick off the mark at picking up my posts this morning, PP. Well spotted!
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Who'd have thought. When we're not being diverted down the avenues of fraud and money-laundering, quite a few seem perfectly comfortable with this.
They obviously haven't the imagination to picture the boot on another foot.

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