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A New Political Party?

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ynnafymmi | 18:10 Sun 01st Nov 2020 | News
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After Corbyns suspension from the Labour Party,perhaps him and the rest of the anti-semites in the party(fifteen at the last count),could hive off from the non anti-semites and form their own political party.They could call themselver the National Socialist British Workers Party.Go for it,Corby.


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18:54 Sun 01st Nov 2020
// a bit different to Corbyn talking to the gunmen and bombers,and inviting them over to the HOC //

That didn’t happen. Corbyn’s reception was for the same elected members (who were perfectly entitle to go to the HoC) that Major was doing deals with in the shadows. And well done to both men for ending the violence in Northern Ireland.
Sunk has provided a classic false equivalency; Major was talking to Sinn Fein to bring about peace from their child murdering ways, whereas Corbyn was being his usual scummy self and cosying up with child murdering scum.

The man is a total and utter C word and always has been.
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"well done to both men for ending the violence in Northern Ireland".Try telling that to the family of Lyra McKee.
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...or the 29 innocents murdered in the name of the Irish people at Omagh in 1998.
And don’t forget George Galloway, he should get an invite


Major and Corbyn both had different agendas, but they were both prepared to talk to Sinn Fein. No matter how you dress it up, there is little difference.

Major wanted to end the conflict because it was a huge economic drain on the UK, it was costing too many innocent lives (including Conservative politicians) and was internationally embarrassing with our Allies (POTUS was shaking hands with Adams in the Whitehouse) and our enemies beats us with Bloody Sunday and other human rights issues. Major was absolutely right with negotiating with Sinn Fein, and the UK is a lot better for his initiative.

Corbyn supported a United Ireland to end the conflict. Adams thought Labour might gain power and Corbyn might have influence on Kinnock to achieve that. SoSinn Fein came to Coryn’s soirée, but alad it all fell to nought, Labour didn’t get elected, and Blair when he turned up didn’t support a united Ireland.
Sunk - I have some magic beans I’m prepared to swap for your cow if you’re interested.
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Blooming heck sunk,you could make Joseph Goebells look like a saint.You dont fancy being chief propagandist to Corbyn....he is needing all the help he can.
// Try telling that to the family of Lyra McKee. or the 29 innocents murdered in the name of the Irish people at Omagh in 1998. //

And yet John Major, the Prime Minister was doing deals with that scum. Corbyn was a fool but an obscure oppostion backbencher. Corbyn wanted peace and an end to the atrocities, he just favoured surrendering rather than a negotiated settlement which turned out to be more realistic. Major and Blair deserve the credit for the peace. Corbyn’s very minor contribution was to convince Adams that there could be a political rather than a military solution.
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Major was doing deals with the political ,elected members of Sinn Fein.Meanwhile behind their backs the murderous scum of the IRA were busy killing innocents despite the peace deal.The GFA was 1995.The Omagh massacre was 1998.Comparing the IRA to snakes is doing snakes a great disservice.

Bit early for invoking Goodwin’s Law.

You clearly think Corbyn is the Devil incarnate, and I just think he is a fool, soI will draw a line.
Best we not mention Corbyn's friendship with Extremist Hamas members then. He also invited them to the House of lords and then,later,went on a covert mission to meet them whereby he failed to disclose the details ,as demanded, by Parliamentary protocol.
Best we not mention the photo of him at a wreath laying ceremony for a Hammas killer. The ceremony that Corbyn conveniently had a memory loss.
'Friends of murdering killers?' Wot? Not me guv'.
// and I just think he is a fool, soI will draw a line.//

An extremely dangerous fool to British security in more ways than one.
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Goodwins law?Dont you mean Godwins Law.By the very nature of it,Corbyn and his gang have been the highest profile members of the Godwins Law sect around.After all Godwins Law revolves around anti-semitism and the Nazis.
The Belfast Agreement was signed in 1998 not 1995.
Sunk,you are showing naivety and nonsense that would make AB’s resident idiot, Gulliver, appear intelligent.

Best advice is to withdraw and accept you’ve lost this one.
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Was that before or after the Omagh massacre,Corby?Good thing us Scots stayed well out of the NI troubles,eh?Apart from us getting massacred by the Irish fascists.
It was a few month before as opposed to the three year you wrote.
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Silly me.So why did representatives of the Irish people massacre 29 innocents lives four months later.As i said earlier,a bunch of snakes.
It was carried out by dissident members of IRA/Sinn Féin calling themselves "The Real IRA" that week and clearly they believed their not supporting the Belfast Agreement justified the atrocity.

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