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U S Presidential Election Tomorrow

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naomi24 | 16:05 Mon 02nd Nov 2020 | News
166 Answers
Just by way of an unofficial AB poll, who's your money on?


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Little fact for you. The last Republican to be elected POTUS and to be ahead in the "polls" beforehand, was Dwight D Eisenhower (Ike) in 1952. He was a 5 star General and Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe in WW2, and that had only ended a few years before. Had he not been ahead in the "polls" would have been very strange indeed.
Unless I'm misunderstanding, that simply is not true!
I fear Trump will sneak in.
Oh republican sorry!

"Shy voter syndrome" eh? Hmm
If Ichi's link is to go by, boy do the hate Trump in DC.
It still isn't true, actually, as even the briefest glance at the polling history shows.
-- answer removed --
I think Trump will get in again.
While I don't agree with virtually anything Togo says (politically), you're out of order Gulliver.
I’m afraid I agree with Mozz Gully
He's had 3 answers removed in quick succession today for his unwarranted rudeness. I think he's trying for a suspension . :-(
Let's hope he's successful RC.
Actually the forecaster on 270ToWin is calling it 321-217 Biden.
I can't count ...
18:38, why is this idiot tolerated?
I don`t know who to put my money on and I don`t know whether Nigel Farage did harm or good!!
Just to be clear, the "crystal ball" predictions on 270ToWin are just that.
The 351 Biden is based on all the polls being right and assigning delegates based on them
// why is this idiot tolerated?//
because he is president of the united states
ter daah !

only one day to go
The thing is, in 2016, the polls were not wrong by much -- just wrong by enough. They'd have to be worse this time, despite the fact that pollsters have tried to correct for their mistakes. So in that sense, I can certainly see Biden winning by less than forecast, but it is harder rationally to see him failing to make 270.

But we'll see. Trump is resilient, and his supporters are an enthusiastic minority.

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