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Why Does The Counting Take So Long?

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ToraToraTora | 16:11 Thu 05th Nov 2020 | News
61 Answers
Pennsylvania has been on 89% for over 15 hours!


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Rumour has it that Diane Abbott is at one table ho ho!
Because there are a lot of mail-in votes to count, and each has to be verified etc.

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yeah but you'd think it'd move 1% in 15 hours!
It depends also on how the data is released -- in large batches or continuously. Clearly, they are releasing most data in batches, rather than adding each single vote to the official count.
I suspect it will move from 89% to 100% in one go.
No it hasn’t.
The numbers are slowly increasing
// Rumour has it that Diane Abbott is at one table ho ho!// poor Diane

Georgia at this very moment - the returning officer is reading out how many votes remain to be counted, and is otherwise giving a press conference

with answers like -" gedd artta here - I am complying with Georgia law sir!"
The returning officer from Georgia has just confirmed that there has been no Russian interference whatsoever as he stood at the count in Tbilisi.

ho ho!
well he (Trump) is certainly behaving as tho he has lost

twitter has said he cant say the votes will be discounted - because he is not the one who has the say ....
It's a farce.
They got to 65,000 and had no idea where to go next.
Why is it a farce?
Mark Austin (Sky News) made a fair point - "never again can the Americans mock cricket because it goes on for days with no winner". :-)
Have never really understood the US method of voting - it seems quite a complicated system.
Don't forget they are 5 hours behind us.
Just heard on Sky tv news that they took time off for administration work - how true I don’t know
// Don't forget they are 5 hours behind us. //

Only in terms of time zones. In some ways they're decades behind us :)
// The returning officer from Georgia....//
has confirmed (da) he played Ilya Kuryakin in the Man from UNCLE in the sixties
It is a farce roy from aus
Why is it a farce?

because it was first played as a comedy in 2016
ter daah !

( history is played twice - once as ....)
ay thenk yew !
-- answer removed --

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