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Free School Meals For Christmas Holidays

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Mozz71 | 01:07 Sun 08th Nov 2020 | News
59 Answers
Nice to see that the government have changed their minds and erred on the side of decency in allowing disadvantaged kids free school meals over the festive season.

Well done Boris. There's hope for you yet.


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The problem is this has already been paid for. Personally I would be happier with this if it was also accompanied by an investigation into why this is happening and the actual scale of the problem.
10:44 Sun 08th Nov 2020
The investigation should go into the matter with an open mind.

So all aspects should be looked at.
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If I could add that as a PS to your BA, I would.
01.31,Spot on canary , of course it's the tax payer footing the bill. not Boris and his clowns
But Gulliver dear heart, that need not be your worry as you don't pay a penny in tax here.....or do you?
Totally agree with investigating more into the reasons behind a lot of this lack of good nourishment for children, whilst some may indeed be due to parents being in even tighter circumstances this year or not.

I doubt a full investigation could take place quickly enough to avoid this coming Christmas break with all else going on.

I would also like to request a let up in the use of the word 'starving' when this is discussed.
I agree, Mamy, they aren't starving, they go hungry. Still a horrible situation to be in.

Lets be serious, if you can't afford to feed your children, don't have them.
Agreed, it skews the discussion and gets no one anywhere - it's a complex situation with many varied reasons behind it - concentrating on one or two just doesn't cut it.
I'd agree with that Baldric if everyone who gave birth knew they were bringing that baby into poverty or could see into the future when the life they had built and worked for would collapse around them.

No one is perfect.
Let them eat cake....oh, they will, Christmas cake.
Gosh yes - if only everyone on a low income had foreseen a pandemic and being furloughed we’d all be better off. How dare they not plan for such an event.
Baldric may be forgetting that some people lose their jobs (or their spouses) after they've had children. It currently costs a couple £75,000 to raise a child to the age of 18; I doubt many parents can save that up before having one.
'If you can't feed them, don't have them' is a very lazy argument.

Peoples circumstances change, death, divorce, redundancy. If only we could give kids back when we hit hard times eh!!!
\\'If you can't feed them, don't have them' is a very lazy argument.

Peoples circumstances change, death, divorce, redundancy. If only we could give kids back when we hit hard times eh!!//

but there is this thing called child benefit, you spend it on your........children.

as I posted earlier, every night for the last two weeks my bus journey home from the centre of Bristol has been full of mums with kids, they all have a smart phone each, bags of shopping and the kids are eating Mcdonalds or crisps and chocolate.

‘as I posted earlier, every night for the last two weeks my bus journey home from the centre of Bristol has been full of mums with kids, they all have a smart phone each, bags of shopping and the kids are eating Mcdonalds or crisps and chocolate.’ – maybe they aren’t the disadvantaged kids from families who are struggling?
but they say everyone should get free meals.
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I believe it's those eligible for free school meals normally who are able to claim them over the holidays.
Children who are receipt of term time free school meals will benefit from this scheme.
Its cheaper for our leaders to give a little to most rather than spend money to address the real causes..which, i.m.o. are more related to attitude,priority and education of the parents, rather than wealth...Money in the pocket dont mean good parents. That said, there are many deserving causes out there..and a bandwagon waiting to be boarded by others.
Give em a burger, and a pizza, and a kentucky bucket ... oh and a free ipad. Gluttonous moribund kids reduce the population. Sorted.

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