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Is It Time For Boris Johnson To Resign?

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dave50 | 08:41 Fri 13th Nov 2020 | News
193 Answers
I voted for him in the election along with millions of others in the North of England, seeing as someone who seemed to understand and be on the same wavelength as us Northern working class folk. However during this crisis it seems he has always playing catch up, never leading and in thrall to his scientific advisers who seems to be setting policy at the moment. Now all the backstabbing going on in no. 10 and his girlfriend now seems to be running the show by the backdoor. I have no confidence he won't make a pigs ear out of distributing the vaccine. I think the new year would be a good time to go along with matt Hancock. Rishi sunak should take over.


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I wasn't pulling you up on an error, I'd listened to this yesterday ellipses and was just giving my point of view
Just been on Radio 2 news, Dominic Cummins to leave by Christmas.
“I'm very happy we got a deal with Japan. And it shows it could have been done with the USA and EU too.”

I suppose so. It was after all almost as good as the one we already had through the EU.

Just an exercise to keep the status quo.
It’s a sad indictment upon the petty mentality of the politically motivated who feel perpetually compelled to criticise anything and everything simply because they and their whinging cronies lost both the Brexit vote and the general election - because that’s what this is all about. They would garner at least a little respect by abandoning their sour grapes, graciously acknowledging the rule of democracy, and making an effort to support this country when it most needs support. No, he shouldn’t resign. His burden has been, and still is, unprecedented.
Spot on Naomi.
Naomi: "It’s a sad indictment upon the petty mentality of the politically motivated who feel perpetually compelled to criticise anything and everything simply because they and their whinging cronies lost both the Brexit vote and the general election " - bang on, BA!
trevor: "Just an exercise to keep the status quo. " - stop going on and on and on again!
Sure, Whatever You Want
that is BA for Naomi, couldn't have put it better myself. what we want is for Boris to stay put, no more deaths from covid, which isn't likely to happen, and a stable country with the whiners going elsewhere.
Unprecedented for all Europe but we have the WORST record.Why is that? Hmmmm
Ellipsis 09,56 , Yes It.s very sad and frightening. but you are right. Britain has the Highest Covid death rate in Europe.
agc//we have the WORST record//
We do not have the worst record.
BA? More whiff-whaff in that post than from Boris Johnson himself.

Gulliver //Britain has the Highest Covid death rate in Europe.//
No it hasn't:-
In Europe Danny I stated
he could have been one of them, think about that, or would that have suited your jaundiced viewpoint.
Up to date list of Covid deaths by country shows we do not have the highest number of deaths:-
I don't know about anywhere else but in B&H hardly anyone seems to me to be keeping their required distance from another, beaches are packed the minute the sun pops out and there have been several reported raves with people fined. As an old dear with a walking stick it is me who has to move out of the way almost every time, they seem oblivious. Thank you, I enjoyed that rant.
i agree with you LB, though the capital remains virtually empty.
agc, France and Spain have more deaths than the UK.

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