He needs to get real! Has he ever worked?
Just asking, because younger (divorced) daughter who is in her first year of teaching (great timing)with 2 U.12 kids is just finishing having to stay at home for a fortnight because youngest sprog has been sent home to isolate because 1 kid in her class had Covid. The school promptly told her that she would not be paid (although she is writing and delivering lessons - because they did not have the mechanisms to accommodate her. The only pattern they had was that she could have a few days off work without pay, as a classroom assistant. Snag - she isn't, she's working all the time.
The problem was that the children's father (who can work from home) is not allowed under the lockdown rules to spend all day there.... I know, I can scarcely get my head around it .... he is allowed to take to school, collect etc..
It has taken ages to organise and agree that she is still working and should be paid and does not class as a casual assistant. They have had no experience of this before (understandably). All's well that ends well, but I am worried that her contract may not be renewed this Summer. Under normal circumstances they will cover a sick child between them - annoyingly, this one is far from sick and is bouncing around the house! I think that the rule-makers are displaying a very serious detachment from reality.