// The 'death within twenty-eight days of a Covid infection' is, in my view, seriously misleading.// the divine andy
o god we had all this in Mar-Apr 20 - so lets do it all again ! read nothing learnt nothing to paraphrase talleyrand.
NJ led the charge in the Good Old Days of "covid is flu relabelled and nothing more" (*) - a famous statistician spiegelhalter saying - "excess deaths what excess deaths I see no excess death ( ex - setera - pun intended)" whilst looking at the hump in the graphs.
So they agreed on the 'new' defn now complained about as a dissatisfactory compromise which - - led to an underestimate of numbers and not an overestimate which everyone said
and quite frankly we are stuck with it
much more courant is
why have they stopped dying?
(*) NJ I didnt say that ! - yeah yeah OK I am agreeable today