Quizzes & Puzzles10 mins ago
73 Answers
While it became eventually true that the Labour Party and its supporters fell out of love with Foot, Kinnock, Blair, Brown, Miliband, and Corbyn I sense that they are already disappointed with Starmer. He has, to quote someone else, the charisma of a damp rag.
Disregarding any polices any party may have, a leader in my opinion has to be liked in many ways before people vote for them, I'm not and never will be that interested in politics, but I don't think many like Starmer, and for sure he won't drum up much support in his cheap remarks regarding the present problems.
16:41 Wed 23rd Dec 2020
It's something Labour have pledged to do in the ast few conterences, but Blair did indeed seem proud of the UK being a anti-union country during his tenure as PM.
My original point still remains though, despite your attempts to blue-wash history, Blair was a Labour PM, abeit with more central than left political leaning.
My original point still remains though, despite your attempts to blue-wash history, Blair was a Labour PM, abeit with more central than left political leaning.
//Well you could argue that Johnson won the last election by pretending that he wasn’t really the Conservative party.//
I must have missed that. I was in no doubt that he was Conservative - and neither were life-long Labour voters I know who changed their allegiance for that election. Sounds like more spin from a disgruntled Remainer to me.
I must have missed that. I was in no doubt that he was Conservative - and neither were life-long Labour voters I know who changed their allegiance for that election. Sounds like more spin from a disgruntled Remainer to me.
Perhaps it’s not so much parties reinventing themselves as times, people, and their expectations and aspirations changing. That out-dated notion that all Conservatives are wealthy toffs and all Labourites are poor working men is way past its sell-by date …. the real reason Corbyn and his dyed in the wool Socialist ideals failed so miserably. The man in the street now enjoys the trappings of capitalism so despised by the left - and he’s not likely to abandon that any time soon because he's discovered that a more comfortable life is available to him. If Labour want to progress they need to wake up to reality. Very few want what they’re offering.
//my friends still vote Labour…//
Because they always have, Emmie, as did their dear old dad, etc., etc., so they see change as disloyalty to their roots despite the fact that the Labour party of their roots no longer exists. There's a very good chance that if they got what they voted for they wouldn’t like it one bit.
Because they always have, Emmie, as did their dear old dad, etc., etc., so they see change as disloyalty to their roots despite the fact that the Labour party of their roots no longer exists. There's a very good chance that if they got what they voted for they wouldn’t like it one bit.
The Labour party always falls out of love with it's leaders because a good portion of them already hate the leader even before he becomes the leader, on the grounds that he's either too left wing or not left wing enough.
They expend all their energy on fighting each other, which is why they are such a joke.
They expend all their energy on fighting each other, which is why they are such a joke.