Do you think the only way to stop this happening is to take these people a few at a time, around the Covid wards and the morgue so they can see for themselves? Perhaps that isn't feasible but, perhaps someone should record what is happening on the wards (obviously not showing their faces and getting permission from relatives) and show this to these silly people.
She's in Ireland. I won't be seeing her for a while when she eventually gets back. None of them are very poorly at the moment so fingers crossed it stays that way.
My eldest daughter has just had a positive result today. She isn't feeling unwell, as such, but has lost her sense of smell and taste. She is the one who had half a lung removed late last year, so she will have to take real good care of herself.
as i already posted they were dismissed by both sides of the House as to their use, and you can't use tear gas on a peaceful demo, this isn't yet a police state.
Corbyn numbers thousands of followers apparently though how true a figure that is i have no idea, but he won't get anywhere being the Mayor, thats for sure
free speech must be stopped at all cost. Anyone not pampering to the Government lies (and yes they lie continuedly) must be arrested water cannoned etc,
But if you are BLM or XR its ok then?
As for the kids they wont suffer, some on here need to go look at the real stats on the ONS. And for those that say 'what about granny' maybe if you have young relatives you ask them to stay away. It's not difficult.
But then on here most of you have little hardship over lockdowns. Judging by the posting many dont go out anyway and I suspect none have had financial hardship. Well that will change - lets see your views when the triple lock goes and you have to pay more tax!
It's not going away, we need to live with it. Dont expect Hancock and Johnson to provide a vaccine any time soo - yet more lies and incompetence there too.
I am saddened but not surprised that so many of you have completely lost the plot and any sense of proportion.
We do not tear gas or use water cannon on people exercising their right to demonstrate. We do not physically harm people for having different thoughts than ourselves. We have the law, and we have a police force to uphold the law. We have everything we need to stop this except the leadership from our Government, and the police.
If you want to vent some outrage then get the right people. You’re wasting your time on conspiracy theory idiots like Corbyn. Priti Patel and Cressida Dick are the ones in charge who can prevent this but don’t.
as some on here know i have struggled with mental health problems, and suggest i am no where near alone in that, - lockdown has meant loss of family contact - seeing them for one thing, which i am not allowed to do, i am not in their vicinity they lives miles off, so can't jsut pop next door. Its affected me terribly as it has many -