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Police Injured Breaking Up A Party

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Stickybottle | 16:06 Sat 23rd Jan 2021 | News
44 Answers
Not surprising as I said weeks ago, we will get what we deserve as long as this behaviour goes unpunished.
Do some still think that water cannon or a fire hose is too god for these idiots?

What is it with Londoners and their behaviour in this crisis?



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sunk you are taking AB far too seriously

the editors have assured me that 34% of Abers when polled wanted the party goers either to be sprayed with green dye
or novichok'ed which ever is cheaper

and I was shocked at the leniency of these pretend punishments
pretend so called punishments
17.47^^^ Who knows where anyone gets the virus from? No-one for sure but the police are in direct contact with loads of violent and stupid rule breakers it stands to common sense as to where they have got it from. Ok supermarket workers, couriers, postmen, delivery men, workmen,health workers ,teachers, social workers ----- -------the list is endless. Priorities have to start somewhere ..
// the police are in direct contact with loads of violent and stupid rule breakers //

Actually, they are not. I have known loads of coppers, and their everyday is more mundane. The average arrest rate is less than one a month.
^^^And I have three family members in the police force and they say how difficult things are with people breaking the rules. Also staff shortages due to several police force members having Covid. Hardly mundane up here at the moment.

The crime rate has plummeted in the last 12 months. Mugging, burglaries, drunken fighting are almost non existent at the moment. The Police are so bored, they are making up crimes that do not exist.

\\The crime rate has plummeted in the last 12 months. Mugging, burglaries, drunken fighting are almost non existent at the moment. The Police are so bored, they are making up crimes that do not exist.//

just this last week in my city, two officers assulted.
Ok Sunk---I rest my case--- You appear to have all the answers albeit most of them wrong.

Your second link isn’t a Police Officer assaulted.
Assault on the Police are down on 2020 because offences, arrests and prosecutions are well down.
Andre's the 40 year old who died was in a desk job, not public facing
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I singled out Londoners only because that is where the largest amount of mass gatherings seem to take place as well as the numptys outside St Thomas hospital who deny what is happening.
Yes there are infractions across the UK but all the bigger ones seem to be in the capital.
^ What a load of rubbish.
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Load of rubbish is it?

Tell me which other UK city has had such incidents recently?
Cardiff? Manchester? Birmingham? Edinburgh? Glasgow? I’ll wait.
sure there is more going on, some people just don't care....
It's not just Londoners. Stupidity is everywhere.
including of course AB

anyway - - long whoppa of a party - are they still fighting about this?

// The Police are so bored, they are making up crimes that do not exist.// except u Manchester where they are ignoring the crimes er that do exist

( news, chief constable now vacant)
This is acause people have no respect for this Boris mob in goverment .Every day we are hearing of his yes men and women being tore to pieces on television and radio . Now the roll out of the vaccine is becoming a joke . could this have summit to do with the parties ?

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