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Super Bowl ...Taking The Knee

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royfromaus | 00:11 Mon 08th Feb 2021 | News
50 Answers
Didn't see anyone taking the that it now, is it over?

No more black people being will be shot by police now Joe's in charge?


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//"but what if it is about the curse of vaccines? we dont like covid vaxx because it is white ju-ju drug? with added microchip ! " - now I'd definitely be suspended if I said that.//

No you wouldn't, you'd be ridiculed.
but PP is exempt from that mozz?
“ and the oirish almost won wiv 14 men ”

A painful memory pp.
That’s Peter O’Mahony for you.
I missed them doing it in Cardiff I have to say? Did they?
Had the game been at the Aviva I’d like to think they have had a moment to remember John Pullin.
'The goals of the Black Lives Matter organization go far beyond what most people think. But they are hiding in plain sight, there for the world to see, if only we read beyond the slogans and the innocuous-sounding media accounts of the movement.

The group’s radical Marxist agenda would supplant the basic building block of society—the family—with the state and destroy the economic system that has lifted more people from poverty than any other. Black lives, and all lives, would be harmed.

Theirs is a blueprint for misery, not justice. It must be rejected.'

woofgang, Organisation, Movement, call it what you like, but that's why original subscribers, like Airbnb etc. have quietly withdrawn their support.
Well, that would involve me reading Peter's posts, which I tend not to do.
Ok Khandro
Khandro, even if taking the knee did start out as support for BLM (it didn't, but don't let that dissuade you), it has now morphed into a support action towards racial equality in society. It's not a polotical message, it's a social one.
I don’t think he cares about equality
//It's not a political message, it's a social one. //

Believe that and you'll believe anything. I would guess that a lot of those doing what they think is the right thing are similarly misguided.
No Naomi, I believe what the players taking part and authorities (for the Premier League at least) say themselves. It's their prerogative to peacefully support whichever cause they want and act accordingly. I can't understand the mindset of someone who is opposed to racial equality, like many on this site appear to be.
I don't think anyone is opposed to racial equality Mozz it's just that, I for example, resent the insinuation that our society is in some way racist. All opportunities are open to all, what more can a nation do? The BLM etc types want it to be skewed against whites so much so that it actually creates the "inequality" that they seek to remove. Now if a non white person gets a top job it's because of quota filling not their ability. Surely that is more harmful to them.
Do you honestly believe that ? That everyone is equal?
//I can't understand the mindset of someone who is opposed to racial equality, like many on this site appear to be. //

Blimey Mozz. What are you after? A gold medal as winner of the enormous leap of fantasy event?
//Now if a non white person gets a top job it's because of quota filling not their ability. Surely that is more harmful to them.//

That's the epitome of "White Privilege" Tora. When a non white person (or even a woman) gets a position of power, no attempt is made to entertain the notion that they have got there through their own skill and ability. THAT is why the society you so passionately defend is racist. notion

It shouldn't be difficult to turn that around, but if people are so blinkered as to believe everything is hunky dory, then I'm sad to say, protests such as those we see in sporting events are still relevant and will continue.
What are you after Naomi?

I'm not saying everyone who disagrees with BLM is racist, some of the things they have done have been sickening, but there are definitely some here who are fully prejudiced. And no, I don't believe you are, despite my glib comment above, you're too intelligent for that.
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Mozz: "That's the epitome of "White Privilege" Tora. When a non white person (or even a woman) gets a position of power, no attempt is made to entertain the notion that they have got there through their own skill and ability." - that's just not true, it's becoming true as this latest anti "white" privileged movement gathers pace. My boss has just been made an Executive director, he's brilliant and deserves all he's achieved. He's from a tough Indian background of poverty. I never entertained the thought that he didn't get their on merit but many who do not know him now might. Once they would not have countenanced the idea. The Anti White movement has done un told damage.
mozz: "It shouldn't be difficult to turn that around, but if people are so blinkered as to believe everything is hunky dory, then I'm sad to say, protests such as those we see in sporting events are still relevant and will continue. " - it doesn't need turning around, we are a meritocracy, we are one of the most divers and libertarian meritocracies in the western world. I'm not saying there are not pockets of out and out racism in our society but they are rare and limited to a few bigots. All the idiocy is making it worse. You are correct about sport, mainly soccer and they do have a problem.
Tora - "I never entertained the thought that he didn't get their on merit but many who do not know him now might. Once they would not have countenanced the idea. The Anti White movement has done un told damage."

The black community trying to gain equality are to blame for how others perceive any success they may have? Yeah, that's not white privilege. Just like you perceive pro EU or pro Scottish independence as "anti-English", it now seems that pro-equality is now "anti-white". Par for the course I guess.

"I'm not saying there are not pockets of out and out racism in our society but they are rare and limited to a few bigots."

All the time those bigots exist, then things need to change. What do you suggest victims of racism do? Shut up and accept that these things happen? Bow locks, they need to make noise to draw attention to the sotuation, and if that upsets some people, or makes certain individuals shout at their tellies, tough.

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