Seems like my employer might be going down this path.
Not happy with it.
I'm no Covid denier, but enforced medical treatment on employees stinks to me (dont bother to state Godwins law)
If I had underlying health conditions I would be first in the Q but I'm not...
I happily wear a face mask (for what good they do) I social distance where possible,
I gel and sanitize etc. But I dont trust a medical procedere that has had less than 10 month trials.
Now my job may be at risk.
No jab, No job might well be a thing...
Am just curious- how many months trials would of been acceptable.
If your thought to be endangering others (the public) and the vaccinne reduces the risk a can see there case but can allso your reservations. But its going to months off isnt it- maybe 6 months before everyone in your company gets vaccinnated, specially the under 30s/40s
//Am just curious- how many months trials would of been acceptable//
Not months, years.
Are you happy pumping stuff into your body thats taken just a few months to come onto the market?
Vaccines take DECADES to be approved.
//Just have the jab and stop mithering//
No thanks
Along the same lines as just have Thalidomide and stop mithering.
Rather see the long term affects first.
generally I agree with you - you shouldnt be forced to have this or that. BUT travel if you cdnt go to on holiday wivvart typhoid
You wouldnt say that you were forced to have a vacc - would you
I took my employer to court fifteen years ago
when he said I am going to punish you for not doing Hep B
and I said - that is because I have been lying in a bed having treatment for cancer.
and he said I dont care.
so I said and so your letters didnt get thro
and he said I dont care about that either.
So off to court we went and he didnt really like me after that
[facts and persons changed so my employer looks like a retarded idiot.He Knows Who He is.]
The idea of - I wd have covid vacc because it seems quite a good thing. But I am being forced to, so I wont! and this will show what a supporter of freedom and wise head I really am!
You know I absolutely see where Nailit is coming from (even though I will take up my offer when I get one). Under normal circumstances there would have been far more of a reluctance to get a jab for something that let's be honest has been rushed through and has no long term data as yet. Most people are longing to have this jab so they can return to some normality and this seems the only way so normal considerations are cast aside.
Anyway, your not asking a question, your just saying your not happy. If your not risking the vaccinne and taking the chance of catching covid and infecting others thats your choice and am not sure an employer should impose the rule. But its hyperthetical as its too early for them to be able to rely on it and may be declared unlawful well before they get chance to introduce it
no jab no job but a jolly lot of jibber-jabber by God!
hey yeah foo ! can you imagine turning up to a case and pleading yourself as a man of abilities
Yeah foo milor' I have been in bed for two days wivva a temperature but this case is so important ( give a cough and green mucus flies everywhere) in the matter of personal liberties that I have forsaken my sick bed ( more bogies fly everywhere)
Milor' (NJ for it is he) - yes yes indeed a matter of personal liberties and Brexit, you know I am sure I started off with a crimson outfit
// Thalidomide was awful but was around 60 years ago. Things have moved on in science.//
you know it was all so long ago and I cd be wrong
I dont recollect anyone forced to have thalidomide nor losing their jobs for having failed to take it....
but there I am a silly old forgetful man
I thoght it was called corcordin and marketed specifically to pregant women to take for vomiting of pregnancy
I am grateful for nailee nailing it for me