Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Covid-19 Antibody Test
36 Answers
I had vaccine 4 weeks ago (1st jab) with 2nd jab scheduled for 3rd of May.
In 2018 I had stem cell treatment where bone marrow was killed and reformed.
Thus I have a suppressed immune system and the vaccine may not have been effective.
So I’m wondering if the NHS will be offering Covid-19 antibody tests to people where vaccine may have been ineffective?
I think some pharmacy offer these years for a £50 charge ,but his reliable are they.
Anyone on here had a NHS Covid-19 antibody test?
In 2018 I had stem cell treatment where bone marrow was killed and reformed.
Thus I have a suppressed immune system and the vaccine may not have been effective.
So I’m wondering if the NHS will be offering Covid-19 antibody tests to people where vaccine may have been ineffective?
I think some pharmacy offer these years for a £50 charge ,but his reliable are they.
Anyone on here had a NHS Covid-19 antibody test?
Let's look at this in a practical way. Whatever condition your immune system is in that is the situation. You have had your initial dose and one hopes that it protects your from the prevailing variant..... as we all hope. If you had the antigenic test and it came back negative, no demonstrable antibodies, what could you do about it? ..NOTHING. If it came back...
21:44 Tue 09th Mar 2021
If you can access all this it might be helpfull
https:/ /www.ne wscient ist.com /articl e/22671 70-how- can-you -tell-i f-a-cor onaviru s-vacci ne-has- given-y ou-immu nity/
This answers my query. Seems it would show whether vaccinne worked
But this is expensive.
https:/ /www.ma yfieldc linic.c o.uk/bl og/chec k-your- antibod y-statu s-after -vaccin ation
Your GP is the best person to ask?
But this is expensive.
Your GP is the best person to ask?
https:/ /www.cl ickonde troit.c om/heal th/2021 /02/19/ underst anding- why-ant ibody-t ests-ca nt-chec k-up-on -covid- 19-vacc ine-eff ectiven ess/
This says you need to get the right kind of antibody tests. There quite cheap in US pharmacies co pared to here tho
This says you need to get the right kind of antibody tests. There quite cheap in US pharmacies co pared to here tho
Let's look at this in a practical way.
Whatever condition your immune system is in that is the situation.
You have had your initial dose and one hopes that it protects your from the prevailing variant.....as we all hope.
If you had the antigenic test and it came back negative, no demonstrable antibodies, what could you do about it? ..NOTHING.
If it came back positive, you would still have to follow Government guidelines.
So what would be the point of an antibody test at this moment? no point at all.
Fol.ow Government guidelines, have your second injection and do what we are all doing......hoping for the best.
Whatever condition your immune system is in that is the situation.
You have had your initial dose and one hopes that it protects your from the prevailing variant.....as we all hope.
If you had the antigenic test and it came back negative, no demonstrable antibodies, what could you do about it? ..NOTHING.
If it came back positive, you would still have to follow Government guidelines.
So what would be the point of an antibody test at this moment? no point at all.
Fol.ow Government guidelines, have your second injection and do what we are all doing......hoping for the best.
I know this is straying from the topic but I had the same with german measles....believed I had it as a child but when tested, no antibodies so vaccinated, important as I was of childbearing age, tested again a year later, no antibodies, so was vaccinated, tested again still no antibodies, doc threw up his hands and gave up.
woofgang, I think the body makes antibodies as it battles the virus/vaccine, once the threat has been eliminated the antibodies fade, subsequent infections are remembered by the immune system as it keeps a memory of it in the T cells. They say its not good for the body to have a constant stream of antibodies running around in it.
well nice to see a new thread
where I can write good advice no one reads and if they do, no one understands ( reading comes er before understanding so hold it the latter subset should be nil )
christie the famous cancer hospial says
"Patients with cancer and those receiving treatment have been identified as being in one of the priority groups for vaccination and therefore should be receiving of their vaccine in the next few weeks."
so should anyone er reading this wonder whether those with cancer receive Covid vacca - a clear yes - inclluding the immunosuppressed see above
does it work?
If I get vaccinated, do I still need a COVID test if I have symptoms? Yes, we will continue to test for COVID as long as the virus is circulating anywhere in the world. Even though the COVID vaccines are looking promising in preventing people from getting seriously sick or dying, they won't provide 100% protection.
so they are saying it may not work - and if you get some of the big three ( fever malaise muscle pain smelling loss) then get a test
and implies not otherwise
now why is this
a positive test shows present of virus
a postitive antibody test shows antibody but NOT sufficiently to protect and so is not predictive.
jesus no wonder people dont understand what I say
where I can write good advice no one reads and if they do, no one understands ( reading comes er before understanding so hold it the latter subset should be nil )
christie the famous cancer hospial says
"Patients with cancer and those receiving treatment have been identified as being in one of the priority groups for vaccination and therefore should be receiving of their vaccine in the next few weeks."
so should anyone er reading this wonder whether those with cancer receive Covid vacca - a clear yes - inclluding the immunosuppressed see above
does it work?
If I get vaccinated, do I still need a COVID test if I have symptoms? Yes, we will continue to test for COVID as long as the virus is circulating anywhere in the world. Even though the COVID vaccines are looking promising in preventing people from getting seriously sick or dying, they won't provide 100% protection.
so they are saying it may not work - and if you get some of the big three ( fever malaise muscle pain smelling loss) then get a test
and implies not otherwise
now why is this
a positive test shows present of virus
a postitive antibody test shows antibody but NOT sufficiently to protect and so is not predictive.
jesus no wonder people dont understand what I say
// And why did the dictors vaccinate me twice if they shouldn't have found anything?//
well the dictors vacca-ed Trump after his infection as infection itself may not show immunity
and it really boils down a personal thing to be decided by the patient and doctor at the vaccination point.
I am keen that anythng that crawls is vaccinated- but I am not sure if I have made that clear!
well the dictors vacca-ed Trump after his infection as infection itself may not show immunity
and it really boils down a personal thing to be decided by the patient and doctor at the vaccination point.
I am keen that anythng that crawls is vaccinated- but I am not sure if I have made that clear!