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More Piscatorial Combat?

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ToraToraTora | 15:48 Fri 26th Mar 2021 | News
73 Answers
ok I have been asked to revise this post, so here goes:
looks like the blue woad brigade now have choices, Mrs Sturgeon will not be happy!


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Scottish politics must be at an al time low. It’s just personal grudges being formed into policies and parties. What a shambles.
07:27 Sat 27th Mar 2021
"More repeats than Dave +1"


It doesn't affect me on a day-to-day basis (although if Scotland become independent I assume the barrow-loads of money we send up the A1 every day will stop), but I can't help but think Mrs Murrell's relentless pursuit of independence is a vanity project, similar to the the vanity project that was the Euro. I also can't help but think her relentless pursuit of independence is at the cost of the Scottish people and really all she wants is a legacy.

If Scotland become independent, will my income tax reduce?
Oh dear!
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jimf you highlighted my phrase using "doth" - yet that is correct. You are the one that is mistaken not me.
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don;t give me that *** what are you on about jimF?
Whoops, red mist.
The point being made is that 'doth' is 3rd person singular. It cannot be used with 'they'.
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still trying to engage the braincell jimF? I've got all night.
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have a day off JD, grammar? PMSL we are talking about Scot nats here!
Jackdaw, you're spoiling the fun.
"that but this blow
Might be the be-all and the end-all—here,
But here, upon this bank and shoal of time,
We'ld jump the life to come"

Very apropos - from the Bard.
“Dust thou art,
and unto dust
shalt thou return”
-- answer removed --
Where is the quote, "methinks they doth protest too much!" in Hamlet?
Right beside "Watch out, she's gonna blow!"
Act 3, Scene 2 of the play, tut, tut. Every one knows that! The question is who said it, (Probably a distant past relation of Nicola's....)
Anyway, as the French would say, 'Revenons à nos moutons' or, in this case, 'poissons'.
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bonnet de douche!
Talking of quotes, the American writer, Sam Ewing....'When you feel neglected, think of Mrs. Salmond, who lays 3,000,000 eggs, but no one remembers her on Scotland's Mother's Day.'

Did she really sum up Alex like this?
//Where is the quote, "methinks they doth protest too much!" in Hamlet?//

//Right beside "Watch out, she's gonna blow!"//

Braw.... that was funny....

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