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More Piscatorial Combat?

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ToraToraTora | 15:48 Fri 26th Mar 2021 | News
73 Answers
ok I have been asked to revise this post, so here goes:
looks like the blue woad brigade now have choices, Mrs Sturgeon will not be happy!


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Scottish politics must be at an al time low. It’s just personal grudges being formed into policies and parties. What a shambles.
07:27 Sat 27th Mar 2021
Scottish politics must be at an al time low. It’s just personal grudges being formed into policies and parties. What a shambles.
I sometimes wonder about all these SNP numpties.Brexit was bad,Covid-19 is bad,an independent Scotland would be the final ruination of Scotland.The hatred that runs through the Nats psyche is frightening.
so you aren't for a Scotland being Independent
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ZM 07:27, yes, BA. It's all a bit yaa boo at the moment up there. They seem to hate each other almost as much as they hate the English.
Why not let them get on with it?
Just a thought :0)
@08.40.I dont hate the English.I leave that up to the SNP gang on here.
// ok I have been asked to revise this post//
to make it comprehensible....

keep on trying me old chyne! (foo)
Apparently it is not as looney as first appears.
In the Scottish elections, voter vote for TWO candidates.
So they can vote for both the SNP and Salmond’s Alba Party. So the self inflicted damage could be less than it appeared. It could even do the Independence cause some good. Voters who are fed up of Sturgeon and the SNP now have an alternative for their vote.

(I suspect that will damage the LibDems as they bnormally benefit from protest votes).
They vote for two candidates? So you have to vote for a party you don't support as well as one you do? How does that work?
///It’s just personal grudges being formed into policies ///

That was Boris's sole rationale for supporting Brexit, to satisfy his grudge against his Eton superior Cameron. He even admitted it on TV (but hastily blustered his way out of it when the interviewer took him to task on it).
// People have two votes - one for a constituency MSP, and another for a regional ballot.
There are 73 Constituency MSPs, each elected on a first-past-the-post system similar to the UK general election - the winner is the candidate who receives the most votes in each constituency.
In the regional ballot, people vote for a party. The parties are then allocated a number of MSPs depending on how many votes they receive, to make the overall result more proportional. //
Thanks for the info Sunk.
Interesting to note the the ALBA party have 50% more Westminster MPs than Scottish Labour have.

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