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gulliver1 | 07:29 Fri 23rd Apr 2021 | News
122 Answers
Dominic Cummings is the chief suspect for leaking secret Text messages between Boris and James Dyson, and ppe contracts. Watch out Carrie and Boris , more to come.


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in the middle of an acute pandemic this is not what Boris and his team need right now.
I would say gulliver's hatred overrides all semblance of common sense ... if he possesses any. If he does, I've yet to see the evidence.
You are right Emmie. As I said Cummings planned his revenge carefully. He's the Sleezy one! Obviously sacked for good reasons.
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11.23,"...... I Heart Boris :o ".... also Naomi.
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Who is this man Henry Newman , Carrie Symonds best Friend.
Who is supposed to be the new mole ? and does Boris know about him.
He's easy to look up.
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14.57 ,Carrie probably said the same.
i wouldn't call what they pay the PM and MP's massive salaries, yes there are perks of the job, but the actual salaries are a mere pittance compared with many CEO and uber rich footballers.
I would agree with Emmie, the salaries are far from massive. I wouldn't do their jobs for what they get.
Sorry,Emmie,but these chancers are paid too much of our money, well,well above their capabilities.If they were paid by their common sense and their ability to run our countries they would get zilch and would be owing us millions.
i know as i said there are subsidies and benefits which some are privy to, but its not a job for the faint of heart, especially now with the pandemic, and some facets on Brexit to be ironed out. This constant barracking is doing no one any good. Cummings has proved himself to be a disloyal so called friend to Boris, advisor once now a true turncoat.
sorry i just don't agree. Since when did common sense come into play, politics is a hard game for anyone, it burns out many, some come to realise its not for them, and get consigned to the junk heap.
Churchill,Attlee and Thatcher must be turning in their graves at what this once great country has become....
It would not be too far off the mark to say that Cummings made Boris and now he is trying to destroy him. This leaves a very unpleasant taste.
many hate Thatcher, her name is anathema in many parts of the country. Churchill got booted out after WW2 was over. Yes he got back in again later on, but these remakable people didn't have an easy time of it. Boris Johnson may not be the man we want, but for the time being he's the man we have, bar his demise, we have him for a time yet.
"many hate Thatcher",emmie...especially up here in Scotland.But it was the SNP who enabled Thatcher,the SNP voted with Thatcher to get rid of a Labour government back in 1979.None of the SNP supporters on this site can be happy about this.But yes the SNP were Thatchers enablers.
it's being reported that DC is now criticising the government for not shutting the borders at the start of the pandemic -

which is rich coming from the man whose stated coronavirus policy was to let the virus rip and if pensioners died, "too bad"......
not so - but this is about Boris and Dominic and i feel that now cummings has the upperhand, at least for now. Labour should capitalise on it, the sleaze allegations are going to hard to shift.
Boris needs to come clean about numerous matters, not least the Dyson affair. No good doing deals in secret, you must be open and transparent.

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