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Pretty Stupid

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naomi24 | 09:55 Fri 09th Jul 2021 | News
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//BBC tennis pair Boris Becker and John Inverdale faced a volley of criticism after calling a player’s fiancée “very pretty”.//

It’s sexist - apparently. What a joyless bunch the 'Woke' are!! The most intolerant of all.

Thank goodness they didn’t say she was ugly!


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It shows just how twisted the world has become when a compliment is seen as derogatory.
10:13 Fri 09th Jul 2021
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Thank you, David. Very kind of you to say so and very much appreciated.

I agree sunk. That woman and all petty whingers like them do need to get a life. I wonder if they ever find pleasure in anything? Sad really.
When did we become a nation of miserable cry babies?

Someone you have never heard of says something you disagree with, and you are bleating like it’s the end of the world.
Ignore her. She is an obscure nobody. You are just amplifying her voice.
No one is preventing you giving a compliment if you want to. So it really doesn’t matter at all.
I get what you are saying Sunk but this is a continual drip drip by people, like this woman, who are in a minority but have a loud voice.

It is important to stand up to them, enough of the so called cancel culture many like this woman do need to get a life.
perhaps if tennis commentators stuck to commentating on tennis as they're paid for, they wouldn't be in trouble?

If they're hired to judge a beauty contest, their compliments would be appropriate and I'd sure much appreciated.
//I think the accuracy of my assessment of the joyless woke has been confirmed here. //

Far from it. We just find joy in different ways.

And, as I say, and as has been reiterated by many others, it's all about the situation, is all. Nobody is stopping you from complimenting others, nobody is stopping you from enjoying being complimented.

You are just amplifying what she is saying. The Sun and the OP are just making sure her comments are widely aired.
Cant wait for their comments when some old trout with a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp is up. :-)
We just find joy in different ways

so true. It might be Dalmatians, traffic cones, navel fluff...
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Sunk, her comments should be widely aired - and ridiculed for the nonsense they are. If people like her continue to be taken seriously -as they are currently - we’ll all end up being afraid to say anything. It seems everything offends someone - and the woke make sure that nothing is missed.

Jim, you seem to be meeting yourself coming back again.
Naomi - OP;
"It’s sexist - apparently. What a joyless bunch the 'Woke' are!! The most intolerant of all."
Some might regard you as intolerant :-) You aren't very tolerant of those you don't agree with. :-)
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You’re mistaken atheist. Everyone should be able to have their say - just as you do - and everyone should have a right to object to what’s said - just as I sometimes do. The cancel culture needs cancelling - and pronto.
Sorry, Naomi, but you're calling for some people's opinions to be cancelled! Don't you see the irony! :-)
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Where have I done that, atheist?
I don’t think Sue Barker or any other female presenter would have commented on how pretty she was, nor would I if I was a presenter.
It’s a very difficult line to tread for both (all) sexes these days.
Naomi, you just said that the cancel culture needs cancelling. But if you cancel it, then you are part of the cancel culture; trying to stop people expressing opinions. Please don't pretend you don't understand.
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Atheist, do you know what the cancel culture is?
not difficult at all, Vagus. Sit through a cricket match, even a five-day test, and not once will you hear a commentator remark on the physical attractiveness of the players, the spectators, or each other. (Though they might giggle a bit if Nasser Hussain falls off his chair.)

They're hired to comment on sport, not do pub bore imitations.
from the days when people had a sense of humour and were allowed to be heard.

And to annoy a few other people on this site, thanks for best answer.
// Jim, you seem to be meeting yourself coming back again.//

that is a planar manifold innit? Jim you always make perfect sense. Something to do with your theoretical physics Ph D I suppose.

Lady Cunard to Bertrand Russell, oh mr russell your ideas just arent logical ! - I think she was the basis of Margot Metroland in Waugh's novels

( including, Christ whos is that ugly woman over there?
That is my mother - - - oh god I am sorry!
no dont be- everyone says that)
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You’re welcome, Vulcan. The world has become twisted.

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