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Ah, fair enough, Mamya.
Question Author
"Yes it is possible for someone with a Y chromosome to become pregnant and give birth to a child. But it's extremely rare." - so that's all you have? Right oh!
Question Author
99.9999999999% of the time a woman (XX) is what gives birth and no amount of spare part surgery and dressing up can change that. Yes there are biological anomalies now and again but you know what I'm saying.
That's because the Y chromosome hasn't worked. Similar to XO. It's an intersex condition, so the baby ends up female by default. Maybe you should specify a working Y, TTT.
"no one with a Y chromosome has ever given birth, end of!"

That sounds as if you considered it to be impossible. You were wrong.
Question Author
find me a child who's mother has a Y chromosome then.
Question Author
tell you what I'll give you a million pounds for every one you find as long as you give me a pound for the rest. Deal?
I'm not disputing that the chances of it happening are really really remote. But it is a possibility and that makes your statement false.

"no one with a Y chromosome has ever given birth, end of!"
No emoji has ever given birth either but that won't stop him.
Men don’t give birth. Freaks of nature might very rarely but men don’t.
Question Author
so wolf do we have a bet?
I will give it a miss, there are very few certainties in life. Most things are possible, but many are improbable.

Your certainty that you were right and everyone else was wrong - and the dogmatic way that you stated it ('end of')
seems to show you in a bad light.

But at least you were communicating in English, that is a step in the right direction.

Have a good weekend!
I've never seen a turd with a pair of eyes, but there's an emoji for that too.
I can't wait for this. My husband often says he has a beer baby. :)
Are people now soiling themselves over an emoji???

Again - this is evidence of snowflakery in the extreme!
I think it's a bit harsh to call transgendered people 'freaks of nature'.

Looking back, gay people were too called freaks of nature, perverts and worse.

It could be a generational thing but I don't think using those kinds of epithets is helpful.
SP, who called transgendered people freaks of nature?
I thought you did at 16:02?

Were you trying to say something else?

I misunderstood...what were you trying to put across?
Read Wolf’s link at 15.41 Friday.

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