Prince Andrew: the monarchy has a long history of dismissing women's suffering
Well that’s a ridiculous headline cos the entire world has a history of dusmissing women’s suffering. Oh and the suffering of the poor, the suffering of mental health, the suffering of men experiencing domestic violence
To say that Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard were executed for failing to produce a male heir is rubbish. Both were executed for adultery, Anne probably innocent but Katharine as guilty as sin.
//Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII, had directly before been found guilty of treason. A jury declared that she had committed adultery with her brother and four other men.//
In any case, I would have thought it would be something for Andrew to keep very quiet about.
She was condemned for that on the evidence of Lady Rochester, her brother's wife. She had hugged and kissed her brother but that was all. She got her belated comeuppance later when she was beheaded at the same time as Katherine for conspiracy in helping the latter to commit adultery.
Anne was convicted mainly because of Rochester's false testimony. It was poetic justice that when found guilty of treason she should suffer the same fate. The real reason, of course, why Anne was beheaded was that she couldn't keep her mouth shut. She was the archetypical nagging wife and Henry didn't like that.
Thank you Jackie
Dr Who ( Patrick Troughton also Mr Quilp) plays the part of Duke of Norfolk, and it is pretty obvious that the system was
"It is you or your family - now choose!"
and he chose Katherine and then Lady Rochford who doesnt come out well ( tongue incriminates other people - - and then it is her turn)
1540s were an interesting time, and you did whatever was necessary to keep your head. Reform, extreme prot, back to Rome, back to prot ( less extreme) - oh lardy lardy !