If the time taken to act against self-publicising spokespersons encouraging hate, holy war and who knows what else in the past is anything to go by he may be free for quite some time yet.
A.Examples of the best non-lethal self-defense weapons include:
Pepper Spray.
Personal Alarms.
Stun Guns and Tasers.
Tactical Whips.
Steel Batons.
Tactical Pen.
Baseball Bats.
Emergency Whistles.
31 Mar 2021
I just looked this up, I'm surprised to see it is legal to carry taser . The baseball bat might be a tad conspicuous, but I don't think you would be attacked by this coward if you were carrying one. Unfortunately telescopic batons are illegal - they fit so neatly in the pocket & would be my first choice.
Are you sure Khandro, as far as I am aware from your list only the alarm/whistle is legal.
Of course you can carry a baseball bat but you would probably be asked why and you would need a very good reason for carrying it on Kensington Hight Street!
Of course, in London knives seem to be legal. At least Plod under Dick do nothing about them.
Yes, I realised after I posted I had misread that information, you can carry a swordstick if it's over a hundred years old though.
A good heavy walking stick is OK & even a well directed hard prod with an umbrella can be off-putting.