The Queen is a wise woman after so many decades. The decision is up to her. If she refuses (quite rightly i.m.o. after the nastiness Harry and Meeeghan have engendered) it will spawn even nastier headlines in the USA and play into MeAgain's selfish little hands. It is, however, asking something little short of saintliness to expect her to agree. It would be used as a weapon by Guess-who, who would say it was an olive branch and acknowledgement that the Royal family were 'owning' racisim within it, which is the current meme. It does make me wonder if the new baby has darker skin.
I am very sorry for the Queen (until the last few years I was far from being a royalist b.t.w.) it really is something that she should not be burdened with at her age. Synonym for 'nasty' now needed to describe Harry and Meeeeeeeeeeeeee!