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Harry And Meeagain To Meet Queen?

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smurfchops | 15:42 Sun 05th Sep 2021 | News
60 Answers
How nice of them to offer an olive branch. Could it be anything to do with the fact they want their baby christened at Windsor Castle?


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Some might say that the mindset of a royal family may be somewhat different to that of Joe Soap & co leading to wrong conclusions all round.
Would the Christening photographs be of interest to editors of magazines?
I think even joe soaps can see that they’re embarrassing the royal family - well, most joe soaps at least.
They're a grubby, shameless duo.
I'm at a total loss to understand how he can treat his Grandmother the way he has done over past months and still expect her to welcome him with open arms and give him exactly what he wants. Is there no end to his total arrogance ??
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No end to their insensitivity Shirley, they wanted privacy and they are in the papers whining almost every day.
The Queen is a wise woman after so many decades. The decision is up to her. If she refuses (quite rightly i.m.o. after the nastiness Harry and Meeeghan have engendered) it will spawn even nastier headlines in the USA and play into MeAgain's selfish little hands. It is, however, asking something little short of saintliness to expect her to agree. It would be used as a weapon by Guess-who, who would say it was an olive branch and acknowledgement that the Royal family were 'owning' racisim within it, which is the current meme. It does make me wonder if the new baby has darker skin.

I am very sorry for the Queen (until the last few years I was far from being a royalist b.t.w.) it really is something that she should not be burdened with at her age. Synonym for 'nasty' now needed to describe Harry and Meeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I think the Queen is going to jump at the chance, would be a great boost to her profile to meet up with these A-Listers even if only for a short while.
^Haha! Naughty!

Seriously, I do think the queen will agree. I don't see how she can't. I just hope she records every moment of their meeting.
Let's wait and see what the coming days brings.
Wouldn't be surprised if it isn't true.
It would be extraordinary for someone not to want meet their great granddaughter.

The Queen’s grandson wants to see his grandma, and proudly wants to present his child to her.

We should not be so disparaging. A normal thing for a family to do.
"Synonym for 'nasty' now needed to describe Harry and Meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!"
for harry, i'd say thick, for you i'd say ***
Gromit, if the Sussexes had stayed put, the same ABers who are criticizing them now, would be whining that they've deprived HRH of the chance to meet her Great-Grandson. It doesn't matter what they do, they will never win. Their "crimes" are unforgivable in the eyes of many.
Lies and disloyalty are not easy to forgive. Only a fool would trust people like that again. I wouldn’t want them as members of my family. I feel really sorry for the queen.
GGDaughter btw
I think that the Queen will agree to a meeting as she has, apparently, maintained a good relationship with Harry.

danny, I think the queen will agree because she can't do anything else. She's between the devil and the deep blue sea. She can only hope they don't do a repeat performance of what they usually do - blab to the media afterwards.
Yes Bednobs. I realised my error as soon as I pressed to confirm. I wondered which eagle-eyed ABer would notice first ;-)
I wonder who the press got this through. The Palace or from across the pond

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