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They Won't Have The Vaccine But They Will Have.......

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ToraToraTora | 15:42 Thu 16th Sep 2021 | News
21 Answers
...anti parasite horse drugs! On what planet is that less risky than having the vaccine that billions world wide have had? Nowt as strange as folk!


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The vaccine is obviously a conspiracy - but who would conspire against horses!
Only in America!!! Lets hope the rest of the world don't get hooked into this idea - total idiots!!
What about the Idiots who HAVE had the Vaccine and now think they are immune from covid and refuse to wear masks in Supermarkets and even in their place of work.
//What about the Idiots who HAVE had the Vaccine and now think they are immune from covid and refuse to wear masks in Supermarkets and even in their place of work.//

Are you talkin' to me? ARE YOU TALKIN' TO ME?
Well, ketamine is a horse tranquiliser and they use it for humans now.........
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right oh roo!
They also use ivermectin for humans -but not in the dose you give a horse! and what have parasitic worms got to do with a virus. They are totally nuts.
It won't help anyone against covid, but they'll get a lovely shiny mane.
Both ketamine and invermectin, are used for people anyway. In different doses. But neither are for covid. If you don't trust your doctor, why trust the Internet?!
// If you don't trust your doctor, why trust the Internet?!//

Because some people are idiots.
Both ketamine and invermectin, are used for people anyway. In different doses. But neither are for covid. If you don't trust your doctor, why trust the Internet?!

You mean just like all the anti vaxers trust the internet ! Lol
It has to be said - "Neigh Way!" (Only in the States).

Tell you something though, I certainly don't want to see/have carers in my mother's home looking after her if they haven't been properly inoculated...never mind the horse-fanciers in TTT's attachment.
I know... I can't explain it lol x
Why are people idiots for not wearing masks in shops and at work?
I suppose because Covid has not gone way overnight. Monday you wear a mask and have to stand at 2 metres, Tuesday rules change and its all over and everyone gets back to 'normal' -no people are kidding themselves, but its up to them.
As there was no real pharmacological treatment for covid pre-vaccine, ~Dec 2020, people were anxious to try many 'non-approved' treatments such was the massive fear generated about CoVID-19.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) - almost 50% funded by Pharmaceutical firms user fees - came out against use in April 10, 2020, long before vaccines were available

Aspirin and penicillin use in animals does not elicit such mockery:
foo !
Fake news. And you've been had, ttt.
-- answer removed --
What's fake about the news?

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They Won't Have The Vaccine But They Will Have.......

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