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Bristol Riots Trial Begins.

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webbo3 | 20:31 Tue 26th Oct 2021 | News
41 Answers
Have a look at the muppets outside the court and read their placards, notice how they are hiding their faces.


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I would never seek to make excuses for the 'Kill the Bill' protests but I too will be hiding my face when next I go out.

Let's see hoe this pans out.
Damn savages.....etc
// notice how they are hiding their faces //

They are wearing anti covid masks as recommended by the Government.
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Hiding behind the signs Gromit, pay attention, especially the one with ACAB on its placard
If they get their way Webbo, prepare for anarchy
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I know, that's what worries me, Bristol is rapidly becoming know as the city of protests
Bunker down, the loonies will run riot
protests in London are far worse, they seem to happen every other day, if it isn't extinction rebellion, it's loons gluing themselves to the roadway.
Saves the council paying out for speed humps/bumps, whatever you call them-;
no it kills the roadways as traffic backs up for miles. Causing ever more pollution, the protestors are morons.
before long someone will get killed..
The prosters are morons.
If one dies whose fault will it be?
The idiot who glued their head to a road or the "innocent driver " that couldn't stop in time?
I reckon smack a few with a heavy vehicle that can't stop within seconds.
Maybe they will then change tactics
one bloke glued his head to the road........
sorry as you already pointed out
Blimey! BIG masks!! I wonder if they’re more effective against covid? Good to see responsible law-abiding citizens taking government recommendations seriously. Bully for them!!
His head became a speed hump/bump.
It was his choice
that's what worries me, someone will accidentally drive over the person glued to the road, then will be add up in court.
Your honour, I stamped my brake pedal as hard as possible.
Heavy vehicles can't be stopped like cars, the weight in the trailer, the way that weight moves affects the control of the vehicle towing it.
Rule of thumb down here is don't swerve, don't try to stop too fast, you will make the accident site worse if you do.
So, sorry to the idiots that glue their heads to roads.
Expect to be run over
How on earth did they unstick the Wally who’d glued his face to the road??
with difficulty smow...

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