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French Migrants

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Ric.ror | 20:01 Sun 28th Nov 2021 | News
53 Answers
I know why the migrants in France want to leave their homelands but why don’t they want to stay in France? In other words what is the attraction of being here over any other country?


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A tiny island nation like ours should have a moral obligation to Afghanistan and Iraq to lay out the red carpet and say Come-on in ? Okay
Jno. So innocent people who'd homes are lost in warefare should have a rite to be housed in the country who's forces destroyed their home???
She'll not be doing it again.
To be honest, I don't have any sympathy for her.
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‘Overall, the top five countries receiving UK aid were Pakistan, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Yemen and Nigeria, with almost all the money going to countries in Africa and Asia.’
Bobbi, if they think they've got a moral right to invade and destroy other nations, they've got a moral obligation to clear up the mess rather than changing their mind and running away.

Personally I don't think they should have either, but as long as tiny island nations insist on creating refugees then yes, they have a duty to do something about it.
do something about it, yes we should, return all illegals to their place of birth, tell them that this is not the place for them, if they have tried to enter the UK legally and been refused entry then that should be it.
but these are economic migrants mostly, and i don't feel we have any obligation to house, feed them at all. Harsh it may be, but we have homeless crying out for somewhere to live, and they don't necessarily get free food and clothes to wear. I am weary of seeing these people at our front door. 25 or so thousands can't possibly be accommodated here.
i didn't have any say in the Iraq war, nor Afghanistan, they were both wars which were created by the Americans. there were British soldiers involved, but they shouldn't have been, and those responsible should be held to account. If you think that's why we have so many migrants from these places, what about all the ones who weren't from war torn places. Ship them home is all i can add, i am sick to death of having my home nation and the capital yet again become the dumping ground for people we don't want or need.
Jourdain at 21.32 Sunday. For the benefit of the bleeding hearts who seem ill-educated on the reality, I would like you to post that at the beginnng of every thread about illegal immigrants coming here. Well said!

JNO, this country gives the world enough. Perhaps if people came here through the legal process, as presumably you did when you chose to make this place you so despise your home, they might avoid criticism.
jno: "Step one in How to Stop Immigrants Invading My Country is: "Don't invade theirs". - we gave them independence, what mess did they make of it? now they want to come here! The answer clearly was what we did in the 19th Century, invade and civilise. Simples.
//invade and civilise//
hmm, if you say so
invade perhaps but civilise, not sure about that.
They know our welfare state is overly generous.

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