//Threatening? Goodie, why don’t you just ignore the advice given by scientists, the health service,...//
I'll tell you why. Virtually every forecast (or "potential scenario" as they prefer to call them) made by scientists, medics or almost anybody else, has been woefully shy of the mark. Today I read that cases of the new variant could (note the word, "could") number one million a day by Christmas. I would wager they will not reach that number, nor anything like it. But it is these "scenarios" that politicians have been reacting to whenever the "experts" open their mouths. But the spread will not be prevented by anything that any of the UK administrations currently plan to do. Leaving aside the efficacy of face coverings, what is the point of forcing me to wear a face mask when I pop into my corner shop to buy a paper when I need not do so when spending three hours in the pub? Why do people need to avoid meeting their work colleagues in the office when they can meet them in the pub after work hours? "We must be seen to do something" is the answer. "This is something, so we'll do it" (even though the two things I mention as examples do not make the slightest sense).