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Another Sickening Murder

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tiggerblue10 | 14:34 Tue 14th Dec 2021 | News
67 Answers

RIP little one

Hope this subhuman rots!


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anne, when a new alpha lion takes over a pride, the first thing he does is kill all the cubs. He doesn't want any but his around.

This seems to be quite a common element in these cases: murder by step-parent, sometimes with the acquiescence of a real parent who presumably wants to keep in with the new partner.

I don't think you get many cases where both blood parents are implicated.
//So it is "always" going to cause some problems.//

Rubbish! Many adopted children live happy & fulfilling lives.
I didn't say they didn't, dave. I said it "always" gives some problems.
Life is a lot about problems Pixie - and overcoming them.
Mothers aren't favoured. The child is favoured. And the mother is pretty much always best for them.

Is that easy enough for you?

So the mother is favoured over the father as has been said ?

Your posts are as clear as your
I am pro vaccine but also anti vaccine post on a recent thread
Your position is clear
As mud ! Lol
Pixie regularly meets herself coming back. I don’t bother to get involved any more.
It is dave, but this is a permanent and fairly serious one- which involves children, adoptive parents, biological parents and so on. If essential, there's no choice, but... I also understand the wish to keep children with their parents- if possible. I wish we would give them proper support... particularly the young ones. But also remove those in danger instead.
Lol naomi. That's... useful.
SB, I realise you have trouble understanding....
Yes, the mother is favoured, because we know that is nearly always best for the child.
I am pro-vaccine, but anti- bullying.

Anything else?
SB, I realise you have trouble understanding....
Yes, the mother is favoured

I do have trouble understanding your posts it is true
Seems I am not alone either so that is comforting but at least you confirmed that the mother is favoured
Well done !
I think many of these "unsuitable" parents hang on to the babies because of the benefits system. Back in the day they would have been quite happy to farm them out to an aunt or grandparent who could have provided better care. Kids used to be a financial burden - now in some cases seen as a benefit.
When did I say she wasn't??

And naomi doesn't count. She would rather chew off her own face than publicly agree with me. She will just post the same thing at a different point :-)
I doubt it dave. Even with the benefits system... I suspect anyone having a baby and believing they will end up financially better off, will be massively disappointed.
Pixie, firstly my purpose in life is not to contradict you - and secondly since you never seem to know whether you’re coming or going but nevertheless seem determined to portray yourself as an expert on practically every topic, I won’t be posting the same thing.
Awww.... you aren't the most observant, but at least you have a go :-(
//That's the only person who is literally designed to understand their child best.//

Really? The simple act of giving birth makes her the fount of all knowledge where the child is concerned? There are many, too many, examples that gainsay this simple theory.
Depressing really - a thread concerning the tragic death of an innocent child turns into an argument over semantics!
No, zebo, obviously not the act of giving birth. Genetics, biology, instincts, and so on. The rare and awful examples, don't disprove anything.
I agree with your last statement Davevro.
What semantics? Surely discussion and reasoning is worthwhile? If only to prevent future children being tortured. Good enough reason for me.

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