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4Th Covid Jab?

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mushroom25 | 10:34 Fri 24th Dec 2021 | News
45 Answers
several 1st world countries (including Israel and UK) either planning or considering a 4th jab roll out...

.....apparently because the 3rd jab's effectiveness wears off after a few weeks.

should this be the first world's priority? or would it be better for them to concentrate on jabbing the 3rd world - from where potentially scary mutant variants are more likely to arise?



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The latter of course but ideally it shouldn’t be a choice
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Yesterday they said the booster begins to lose some of its effectiveness after just 10 weeks, so it was instantly inevitable that we will need a 4th, 6th and 7th jab.
Why didn't they give a full jab as opposed to a booster? Surely that would have given more protection. Peoples enthusiasm for being a pin cushion will wane shortly.
There might well be good reasons for diverting vaccines to third world countries, rather than using them here, but I fail to see the logic in "from where potentially scary mutant variants are more likely to arise".

The alpha variant was first detected in the UK, beta was initially spotted in South Africa, gamma was first found in Brazil, delta in India and, although the first instance of delta is recorded by the WHO as 'multiple countries', it's primarily associated with South Africa. So there's a good mix of 'developed' and 'less developed' countries there.

I see no reason why the next 'variant of concern' is more likely to originate from Uganda than it is from the United Kingdom, or why it's more likely to come from Afghanistan than it is from Austria.
In November the double jabbed accounted for 50.7% of admissions into ICU.

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//So are we destined for a life ,for the foreseeable future of having to have constant jabs ?//

The above from my thread of 23/12
I'm thinking of popping cloves in each of my injection sites, festive like.
'Cobber', surely, 1ozzy. :-)
“ Why didn't they give a full jab as opposed to a booster”

A booster is a full jab.
I think the point about the vaccinations going abroad is that there’ potential potentially in unvaccinated places for newer variants however it needs proper organisation and people need to actually come forward to have them
Has to be a two pronged attack. Removing the reservoirs of infection and reducing the spread in densely populated areas. Neither approach is effective on it's own
I heard a week or two back that they were talking about giving nhs staff a fourth jab early in the new year ?
Gone quiet since
//In November the double jabbed accounted for 50.7% of admissions into ICU.//

Thanks royfromaus. Do you have any more uptodate figures as the affect of boosters as surely changed the picture alot. ? Claims from NHS spokespersons suggest much higher proportion is now are unvaxxed now but maybe some will say there misinformed or deliberately twisting things from whatever there agenda is
Anyways, from your figures that means that from the 20% of the population who have had no jab (or only 1) accounted for half of admissions in November. Wow. Just shows the importance of getting vaccine's don't it. I doubt many in the icu beds have had the booster aswell...or do you have figures too?
Are you talkind about ICU admissions caused by covid, or ICU admissions in general Roy? icu is used for people after big operations. as well as people who are struggling to breathe cause of covid
I don't because December figures won't be out yet.

Full Fact used as a source.

I'm fully aware the figures won't show the full picture but I'm sick to death of blatant lies from the likes of Dr Hilary and co.

Just tell us the truth without the number manipulation or omitting facts such as the age and health condition of those who have died of the new variant.
But neither does your bald figure roy!
// but I'm sick to death of blatant lies from the likes of Dr Hilary and co.//
Presume your including Witty, JVT etc and SAGE. Why would they all be lying?
I'm not getting your point, bednobs.

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