Gromit: "Elections are our democracy working... the other credible candidate stood down so that the Conservative candidate would win"
That is "democracy working" ?
Sadly, Amess is dead and cannot be re-elected, so the best constituent representative would hopefully be elected.
Gromit: "And terrorism loses."
Loses what? - constituents having/not having a choice to elect the best possible representative in their opinion? did "terrorism" specifically try to oust one Conservative MP ?
The people of Southend West elected a Conservative to represent them for 5 years. A terrorist murdered that representative, and forced a by election.
It would be wholly wrong for Labour or the LibDems to take advantage of that situation and fight to win the seat.
The law states that if an MP dies then there must be an election to find his/her replacement. In this instance, the opposition parties correctly decided that natural justice would be a Conservative win the seat, so they did not contest the seat. Well done to them.
Agree with gromit.
would it be wrong if some extremists killed all tory mps and then Labour won a majority now. I'm labour but it would be wrong cos terrorism would of overuled the fixed term parliament act
Gromit: "The people of Southend West elected a Conservative to represent them for 5 years. A terrorist murdered that representative, and forced a by election.
It would be wholly wrong for Labour or the LibDems to take advantage of that situation and fight to win the seat. "
An General election or local election could arise at any time in various circumstances.
This 'taking advantage of a situation' is a curious mindset.
Is it not taking advantage of an electorate to be democratically unable to change their opinion ?