I have no problems with those of the same persuasion but here's a woman who seems to be paralleling BJ with her ability to stumble from PR crisis to crisis, Gully's beloved PM a little bit more adroit in jumping out of the cess-pit.
Worth remembering that in 2008, Boris Johnson as Mayor of London, removed Sir Ian Blair as Met Commissioner.
During Blair’s watch, it was leaked that the computer of Damian Green (Conservative MP) whose House of Commons computer was searched by the Met, was found to be stuffed to over flowing,with Porn.
Wouldn’t be surprised if she was nobbled by Boris. All these parties going on while police were picking up folks in parks and fining them, for talking together. Surely the met police, on guard at Number 10 saw what was going on?. Surely they checked the suitcases of booze finding their way into the building?. I despair, Boris has to go too, and for the record, that inept Foreign Secretary needs to be horsed Too!
Liz Truss is terrible at the Foreign Officer. But a previous Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, makes her look good in comparison. Truss hasn’t resulted a in a poor woman rotting in a Iranian jail for 5 years because she was too lazy to read the briefing notes properly before opening her mouth.
Maybe the Metropolitan Police will now be led by somebody not looking like they turned up at the costume shop just before closing on a Friday night having missed their hairdresser appointment and had to take the dodgy plod outfit.
Bravehearted... if she was nobbled ( resisted a pun there) by boris is sadiq Khan working for Boris because the mayor was the one who made her position inteneble