A lot to unpick in Togo’s dump of disinformation.
1. No wrong doing was ever found about Hunter Biden.
2. The EastMed pipeline was cancelled because theUS didn’t want to ***-off Turkey who are dead against it, and for environmental concerns. The US now favours an electric cable from Egypt to Greece that can transfer some electricity generated from renewable sources.
3. The US become energy self sufficient long before Trump was in power due to large scale fracking operations. The US exported more oil than it imported in 2020 during Trumps time, but that was due to covid, and energy demand falling sharply during lockdown. US industry was running at half capacity to imports dropped sharply. Now lockdown is over, large oil imports are back.
4. America produces mainly light oil, when they need a lot of heavier oil. So more foreign crude is coming in, but they are still exporting a lot of light oil.
5. Poland, Hungary and Yugoslavia do not have strategic Russian military bases on their territory - Ukraine does. Putin won’t be bothered about regaining most of the Warsaw Pact countries. But ones that are of great security and strategic importance to Russia, he may fight for. That is only Ukraine, and I am still not convinced he is prepare to go, as much as he wants to. This week will be crucial.