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Angela Rayner

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gulliver1 | 14:22 Sun 24th Apr 2022 | News
142 Answers
Angela Rayner has been accused by Tory MPs of deliberately crossing and uncrossing her legs to distract Boris Johnson when he gets up to speak in the commons.. How low can these Tory MPS sink..


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14.14 You describing Boris....Tigger ?.
Cool! Watch this space..... :o)
Haha! I’m watching. :o)
I haven't gone through the MP mugshots yet, Gully.
Why has the ‘ anonymous Tory mp who said this not been named ?
Right so, I think I'm done....not physical descriptions cos you shouldn't judge someone on their appearance....but here goes...

SKS (aka agent cob to some on here) tries to sound posh but to me he comes across as common as muck and a complete and utter bore.

BJ (unfortunate initials) speaks posh and probably is a posho but to me he comes across as a bumbling fool.

That's it, I'm outta here.....
Tigger, agent Cob is Jeremy Corbyn. I think TTT calls Starmer ‘Rodders’.
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I Think I Call Boris....Del Boy.
Oh yes, sorry, I meant Rodders.

Agent cob was a nasty little man.
How about using their actual names?
Corbyn was ‘ a nasty litter man . Was he ?
They can’t Corby. That requires a bit of common sense and manners.
Anne //Why has the ‘ anonymous Tory mp who said this not been named ?//
If he is anonymous then his name is not known.
his name will be known to at least the person he gave the quote to. MPs could in theory demand to be told his name but they'd be unwise to do so
Perhaps it hasn’t come from a Tory MP. As Ellipsis says, this is more of an attack on Boris than Angela. Considering the woman’s previous ‘fishwife’ form I have my doubts about the alleged source.
it seems to me to be a whole load of fuss now. the conservative leader has apologised, and promised reprimands if he should ever find out who said it, which seems to cover it really
It's not shocking in any way. Women have to put up with this shizz all the time
i dunno who "broke" the (non) story first, but if it was the express, then they can carry on and be outraged on my behalf; they seem so good at it. As naomi alludes to, it wouldnt surprise me entirely if it was totally fabricated anyway
Naomi; I thought that 'fishwife' referred to coarse language, but I don't see that relevant to this particular matter. What did you mean when you said you had doubts about its source?
It was first published in the DM (Mail on Sunday), so presumably they know who their source is ... and their target could be Johnson, Rayner, Labour or any combination of the three!
probably a Labour False flag operation anyway.
i thought it was clear that naomi thought it was made up, however i now see on re-reading she thinks it came from labour to discredit the conservatives

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