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We know it went wrong. Too much management, too few caring staff, changes to roles that might help individual careers but not the service overall, taking some tasks out to the cheapest bidder, that just off the top of my head. Needs a shake up and realisation as to who & what are the important parts.
As I, and many others, have been saying for years the NHS needs total shake up from top down. All Quangos around it need to go and all cronies in it need to go. An All Party board needs to be setup to do it with no cronies and only people that understand medicine and how to run a mega company on board.

But no Government will be able to do it because it is used as a political football rather than all Partys wanting it to succeed.
Civitas is a right wing think tank based at the notorious 55 Tufton Street London address.
They specialise in this kind of shock ‘research’. Another of their big pronouncements was that the UK police were the worst in the developed world.

I would beware of anything it says.
So you think the NHS is functioning well then Gromit?
why is that for me? The NHS is not the envy of the world, the idea of the NHS is. That is still true. For all its faults I'd rather have our NHS, fix you and ask questions later rather than the barbarity that exists in most of the rest of the world. Why can you not grasp that sqad? I say the IDEA of the NHS is still the envy of the world.
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My original post was an attempt to wind up TTT following his oft repeated attack on excile's voting rights.
sqad, why did you come back to UK if you hate it so much? Could it be that you now need the NHS?
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Ah! sorry TTT.......I hadn't grasped that you were talking about the "idea" rather than the "actuality" of the NHS.
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LOL...TTT you have done that one to death.......
TORATORATORA, why can you not accept the fact that a criticism of something in or about the UK does not mean that everything in or concerning the UK is hated?
The author of the ‘report’ is Tim Knox formerly of that other right wing think tank, The Centre for Policy Studies. Another Tufton Street regular.

I expect their agenda will be to privatise it all, and run it like Tescos.
On this list of BEST Health Care in the World, the UK is ranked 13th out of 167 countries. (USA is 30th).

I suspect CIVITAS are mischief making putting us last.
I will ask again Gromit:

So you think the NHS is functioning well then Gromit?
//I expect their agenda will be to privatise it all, and run it like Tescos.//

Could do a lot worse:

- Tescos opens the hours that suit me so that I don't have to take time off work to go there

- I don't have to spend hours on the phone to make an appointment to visit them for five minutes in three or four week's time (provided I pass all the tests)

- I don't have to explain to a receptionist what I want to buy before I am granted that appointment

- I don't have to wait months for a further appointment to see a "specialist" retailer who can provide what I need

- They usually have what I want (or suitable alternatives) at a reasonable price.

If the NHS was run like Tesco's I (and I should think many others) would be delighted.
YMB, I have often seen your proposals to streamline the NHS by stripping out layers of management. Which layers, specifically, would these be?
It's TESCO. Not Tescos or Tesco's
What happened here Sqad ,the £350, million per week that Boris said would go to the NHS if you voted Brexit Went into The pockets of the Con Crony club. Instead.
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No idea Gulliver, in all my working life, Medico-Politics never interested me.
//It's TESCO. Not Tescos or Tesco's//

Tesco is the company which owns the stores, so they are Tesco's stores. But let's not nitpick too much.
//YMB, I have often seen your proposals to streamline the NHS by stripping out layers of management. Which layers, specifically, would these be?//

My proposal has always been to set up a cross party group led by medics and business leaders. I happen to know management is overinflated in many places but, as anyone with an ounce would understand, those places vary. I would not presume to suggest any particular place as my preference would be a total restructure and also I have not conducted a full analysis of the complete NHS.

What do you think is wrong with that?

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