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-SharonA- | 17:11 Sat 09th Jul 2022 | News
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I am not being funny/racist or anything, but I think the next prime minister should be English.
What do you all think??


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Untitled You beat me to it. Khandro - I hear what you say about Sunak’s racial background, but I’m curious - why would that be an issue? Someone’s race is only a component of their identity. When it comes to the ability to do a job I think most people would say that race should absolutely not be a factor. What I’m inferring from you is that the job of British PM should...
11:43 Mon 11th Jul 2022

"I've nothing at all against Zulus or Maoris, I just don't want one as prime minister"

...and you're not getting one are you?

Am I right in thinking that you think the Prime Minister needs to have British ancestors?

If so, are you aware that this may exclude talented candidates who don't fit that bill?

If so - is it just the job of Prime Minister where this constraint should be applied?

What about the England football team - would they too need to be of approved stock? Team GB at the Olympics?

How far would you go?
sp: If you were to ask Rishi Sunak what race did he consider himself to be, what do you think he would answer? *

R.S.'s parents are Indian, his grandparents were Indian & it is most likely that all his ancestors before were Indian. His wife is Indian & his children are Indian, he & his wife are a Hindus, he is culturally & in every way an Indian, nothing at all wrong with that, nothing at all.

I have no objection to an Indian holding high governmental office, but I don't want one as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, & being its representative on the World stage.

* Try him on the Tebbit test!
why not?
Why are you so concerned about who is the UK PM when you live in Germany, Khandro?

You beat me to it.

Khandro - I hear what you say about Sunak’s racial background, but I’m curious - why would that be an issue?

Someone’s race is only a component of their identity. When it comes to the ability to do a job I think most people would say that race should absolutely not be a factor.

What I’m inferring from you is that the job of British PM should be limited to white people (or those with British ancestors which effectively means ‘white people’)

I say ‘people’ in the hope you’re okay with women applying for the position.

Is that right?
sp: correct.
......... just as the Zambians want a Zambian.
What about the Germs / French / Ities - anyone other than and "ethnically correct" leader there?

Whatever political systems operate in other countries should have zero impact on how we conduct ourselves. It would be a stretch to assume Zambians think like you do - because the majority of *Brits* don't even think like you.

Asked about Sunak, I'm sure that most would focus on what he's done as Chancellor, not ponder the Tebbit cricket question.
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//What I’m inferring from you is that the job of British PM should be limited to white people (or those with British ancestors which effectively means ‘white people’)

I say ‘people’ in the hope you’re okay with women applying for the position.

Is that right?//
That is right. I would love to see a woman get the job. Women are better at these things.

I'm wise enough to know to argue that point with you, but that question wasn't really aimed at you. I was asking Khandro!

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I know & I'm agreeing with what you said.
If we’re landed with a woman heaven forbid she’s anything like the last woman to hold that office. Disaster!
sp: I just checked & there were 7 presidents of Zambia before the post was abolished in 1991, since then there have been 7 presidents & guess what?!!! as you would expect. The white, Guy Scott acted only as an interim president.
The issue seems to me to be your personal interpretation of what is British. In my eyes, Sunak, born and bred in Southampton is as British as you or I. Where he is from ancestrally is irrelevant, he has lived his entire life in the UK. Your whole rationale seems reminiscent of Trump trying desperately to prove that Obama wasn't born in the States.

I've got to say this - who cares?

We're talking about the British PM, not Zambia or anywhere else.

You've indicated that the British PM needs to be white, but unless I've missed it - you've not explained why.


And please don't refer to another country. I want to hear why *you* suggest the PM of Great Britain needs to be white.
Well I am not surprised about the tone of this thread, Gromit was against 'foreigners' in Government in a thread the other day.

Personally for me its best man, or woman, for the job. In fact, at present for me Suella Braverman is one of my faves. (although not likely to win unfortunately)
I believe Khandro needs to do a little research and find out where the Angles and Saxons originated from.
Further watered down by the Roman and French invaders he’d be hard pressed to question anyones ‘origins’.
His ‘but but he’s a Hindu ‘joke’ the other day tells you where he was headed with his line of opinion.
Khandro, your ‘logic’ is skewed. I don’t agree that giving newcomers a piece of paper declaring them British makes them genuinely ‘British’ but how many generations does it take, in your opinion, before people really are British?
You’ve now got me thinking about Jewish people who fled persecution, whose children and their children have gone into politics here. What about them? Are they not British?

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