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gulliver1 | 10:12 Mon 10th Oct 2022 | News
32 Answers
Liz Truss's Approval rating has now fallen to minus 47 .
Truss now has the worst approval rating for a Pm ...ever.
.........Not looking good for the Tories at the next G/E ,,,is it.


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I wouldnt bother DTC, he never understands things like that.

Still, he is our Gully and brightens up the day for us :-)
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Good heavens above , Truss has fallen to minus 57 in the opinon polls now, even lower than Jeremy Corbyn. ... Thanks FCI.

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YMF @ 13.02 "I wouldn't bother DTC, he never understands things like that" Ok thanks for the tip,
I won't bother him then.
Crikey! 57 now! Let us know when it's 67 won't you. This is getting really exciting!
Didnt you know Naomi that if you write something often enough it becomes true? Well on AB anyway.
well he ha this fixation that I worked for the company that made rice krispies - in fact, I have no idea who makes them, whether it is Nabisco, General Foods, Malt o'Meal or whoever. Bloody stupid IMO and he wonders why some of his 'contributions' get bombed....
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Naomi do you think you could Address your answer to the person you are talking to ,or at least show the time of the post you are replying to. ..Many thanks.
actually, the answer to my question is Kellogs - I have visited them twice in my time over a consultancy deal for energy optimisation in their factories, an impressive facility and HO in Battle Creek - Michigan for those who don't know.
I'm talking to you, Gulliver .... obviously. Everyone knows that. You're the only one who keeps us updated with this fascinating information.

Is there anyway that Liz could be proven right? Reading all the press (money and politics sections) over the weekend, I don't think so because for the 'mini' budget to be a catalyst for economic growth we'd have to deal with the inflationary pressures it's likely to introduce.

But...what if she and Kwasi are right?

Liz might just be able to "pull a Maggie".
Still no answer and I have left it for a day. At least FatticusInch one of your allies does reply to questions put to them. Also still no answer to a question you have been asked many times about inflation and interest rates where you live or does that make no difference as long as you are slagging off the UK and the Tories.
There's nothing wrong with slagging off the Tories. Or Labour for that matter but I don't recall reading any anti-UK posts.

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