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Sunak's The One.

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sandyRoe | 13:01 Mon 24th Oct 2022 | News
101 Answers
Mordant has pulled out.
Pity, great pity.


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//The Tories have now definitely sealed their fate to be wiped out at the next G/E By Choosing Sunak, for obvious reasons .Which can not be discussed on A/B.//
If you mean racism it seems to be all on your part gulliver. Of course if am wrong tell us what the obvious reason is
Not a fan of the Tory Party these days although I voted Tory in 2015. However I think Sunak was the best choice, as he was last month before the Liz fiasco.

I know that one.

Sir Beer Karma.

Don’t know whether to be pleased or really, really worried.
Does he keep his constituency seat ?
3 PMS, and 3 chancellors ,in less than 3 years, are the Tories trying to make up a football team and call them the Blues.
Sir Beer Korma - remember beer and curry gate?
baz: "Does he keep his constituency seat ? " - of course he does, couldn't be the PM without it.
Just thought of something.

Sunak has just ruined the political adage of “He who wields the knife never wears the crown”

He’s ‘done a Heseltine’, but properly.
First female PM
First non white PM.

Labour First MP with an electronic tag.
good point webbo, we are the truly progressive party.
Didn't they have electronic tags ,when Jeffrey Archer found himself in a spot of bother ?
The members have been denied their say.

as Boris used to say - they think with their members....

membrum = mentula - but I hve been erazed more than once for using forrin on essentially monoglot AB
First to have 3 PMs
First to have 3 Chancellors
All in one term.

Conservatives . First party to be accused of being Dishonest, Untrustworthy and self serving.
football team - since they are in a blue funk,
they cd call themselves the Blue Funkers

calm down.... yes funker
Webbo - that’s a good point and one that the other major parties will struggle to answer - because there really [i]isn’t[i] an answer.

Except this..,

Conservatives will repeat the mantra that race, sexual orientation and gender are an irrelevance. And if they believe that - more power to ‘em.

But if they truly believe this, then they shouldn’t highlight the fact when a minority achieves high office, I order to prove their progressive credentials.

What WAS irrelevant should remain so.


Following on from Gulliver1…

Also Conservative:

Shortest serving Prime Minister of all time.

The Truss premiership lasted ten fewer days than her campaign to become Prime Minister.

god cleverley is looking a bit grey ....
BBC Radio’s multi award-winning antidote to panel games returns to the stage with its sell-out touring show. Sunak headlines this show "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue"

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