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Petty In Pink?

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douglas9401 | 19:10 Fri 28th Oct 2022 | News
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I love that film but what's the story in Ballamory?
Crazy I agree, but it is a listed building and there are regulations that go with that.
"Balamory" Tiggs lol
She'll have to paint over her door or mauve out.
A few years ago, the old library here was converted into a Fashion School and the door painted Fuschia Pink. There were several complaints but all rejected. It brightens the day just seeing it!
it doesn't really look out of keeping with those other doors. What she needs is to produce some historic document proving it was that colour when William Wallace stayed there and he thought it was cute
The woman has no taste.

She should be told to leave town.
you buy into this when you buy the house
otherwise you buy a gorbals tenement

Leddy in Lundy who painted her house like a layered cake and then spent half a mill appealing
Better not visit our village or many places in Ireland, Hoppy. So many brightly painted houses not to mention doors.
Maybe we have councils with better things to do and we’re not a dour nation.
Didn't you see the interior shots of the house?
I did but that won’t affect anyone outside. We all have different tastes that don’t impress others. Anyone getting knickers in a twist over a pink door….pink, not vile or offensive needs to unwind for the sake of their blood pressure.
There are a lot of daft regulations related to listed buildings. I can’t have double glazing (despite the energy crisis) because my house is B listed :-(
The door acts as warning to anyone visiting the house, of the vomit inducing decor inside.
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Definitely not.
I like the bath, but pretty much everything else is horrible.
She is in marketing and is a brand manager, you would expect her to have better taste, and certainly have a better colour palette.
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awful colour, couldn't she find something nicer.
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