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A Thousand In One Day

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Bobbisox1 | 09:36 Mon 31st Oct 2022 | News
120 Answers

What is the answer to this out of control situation?
Enough is enough !


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Extradition flights to Rwanda !!!!! - What kind of numpties are running this country who thought that idea ever had a chance of working? Absolutely incompetent & disgraceful.
///People scoffed at my idea of sinking dinghies mid-channel & placing machine guns on the beaches.///

not everyone's scoffed; some people are taking this line of thinking seriously. AB ought to hire out its services as a think-tank.

A 15-year-old boy has been charged with the attempted murder of a child asylum seeker in west London.
^Just to clarify the ‘child’ was originally classed as an adult and accommodated in a hostel for adult males …. so not a small child.
oh, that's okay then.
No, it’s not ok - but it’s not ok to mislead either - albeit unwittingly.
MY RISHY. Sort this out asap
Guarded prison camps…they are criminals here illegally. No legal aid, no benefits. Spartan conditions. The allure of free UK would diminish very considerably.
40 thousands this year. It’s an invasion nothing less.
Ms Braverman has bee castigated for calling the channel crossings an "invasion" - well I don't know what the hell else you could call it.

Just because they come unarmed doesn't mean they shouldn't be forcibly resisted.
Suella was right, it is an invasion, why do some think its not.
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Christ what the hell is Robert Jenrick on!
Instead of backing his ‘boss’ ,Suella Braverman , he cherry picks her words saying she needs to be careful what language she uses because she said it was ‘an invasion of the south coast’ it is just that!
//...why do some think its not.//

Because, as one of the correspondents on here demonstrated a few days ago, they see no problem. This particular member lives a six hour drive from the Thanet coast and saw no issues with the idea that 150 or so migrants were to be accommodated in a local hotel in his small seaside town. If he lived in Margate, Ramsgate or Dover (an area which I visit a number of times each year) he might think differently.
//and saw no issues with the idea that 150 or so migrants were to be accommodated in a local hotel in his small seaside town//

and at a cost of £150 per night EACH!
Why fly them out to Rwanda . Bus them up to the North East .
Far cheaper.......... There are far too many down South.
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Now there’s an outbreak of dysentery in Manston immigration centre! What next!
Don’t know if anyone saw the news clip or it might of been on my local news, a 95 yr old lady turned of her lights and heating to save money , she filled a hot water bottle and sat under a thick blanket with a torch to read her book, this is sickening that this kind of thing is happening while those in the immigration centre have 3 hot meals a day, they’re warm and receive medial care on tap!!
// The allure of free UK //

It's not all cock-a-hoop.

These holding centres are terribly overcrowded. There is frequent outbreaks of diphtheria, whilst scabies is said to run rife.
Why can't these immigrants be employed in the thousands of jobs that were created when you Brexiteers kicked out all the legal immigrants from the E.U There are plenty of vacancies .
hopefully the message get's back to some of those looking to buy a dinghy seat
//when you Brexiteers kicked out all the legal immigrants from the E.U//
I assume ALL was a typo and you meant 'a few of' or those who chose to go back as they often do a sit were just a temp visit
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BobbinW, I’m ignoring Gully, he just spout diatribe

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