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He will apparently be making an attempt for 2024. How far he gets is anyone's guess.

It'll be interesting if he loses the nomination to De Santis or someone and then tries to overturn that result.
We seem to have a few Russian Troll factory graduates here tonight. :-)
Anyone who seriously thinks Trump should be allowed to run again is as crazy as he is.
I agree JDavis, but ironically that's how democracy works. You can vote in an anti-democratic fascist if you want to.
DESKDIARY, did you not know that Trump also avoided the draft five times?
//We seem to have a few Russian Troll factory graduates here tonight//

Seems to be a few commies too eh ;-)
Go Donald!

Serioulsy though IMHO both Biden and Trump are too old.

The Repu
The Republicans should look to Ron DeSantis, young, Harvard educated, US Navy Vet and SEAL advisor.


He might find it harder to run his campaign from jail, which is where he should be,
They're taking their time trying to find something to pin him down with, JDavis. If you know something they don't perhaps you should share it with them.
Harvard educated. He'd best keep that quiet. See Joy Reid on the previous page. (and Lammy, I think)
DeSantis knows, like everyone else with more than 2 brain cells, that Trump was robbed in 2020 and it's his destiny to finish his rudely interrupted term in office.
No-one will oppose Trump's nomination as the Republican candidate.
Demented Democrats are trying to play up the DeSantis/Trump schism. Anything to distract from the Puppet Show they have to maintain are in charge now.
Is any of this serious comment?
or - - is calling someone a troll, trolling in itself ?

and yes you can elect a fascist - Hitler and Musso spring to mind - Putin too
Trump was robbed in 2020 and it's his destiny to finish his rudely interrupted term in office.

how can anyone with a brayne write something like this
It's absolutely amazing that some people still haven't worked out who the real fascists are in modern America.
Trump and his maga successors are your only hope for salvation.
The only thing that stands between your grandchildren and the Joe Biden Euthanasia Suite.

Don't have to, Naomi, it's all public knowledge - his phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State asking him to 'find' 12,000 extra votes, his speech inciting the Proud Boys and other 'patriots' to fight, the discovery of sensitive, classified documents he had no right to. Don't you ever watch the news?
Agree, PP. There are strange people on this site.
“ DeSantis knows, like everyone else with more than 2 brain cells, that Trump was robbed in 2020 ”

where’s the proof?
JDavis, //Don't have to, Naomi, it's all public knowledge //

Why haven't they nabbed him then? And yes, I do watch the news.
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"Agree, PP. There are strange people on this site." - stranger than PP? Right oh!
surely you can understand that it's not that straightforward to "nab" a former president naomi.... he has a private army of nutters willing to fight for him.

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