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Two Killed In Poland In Russian Missile Strikes

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ichkeria | 19:17 Tue 15th Nov 2022 | News
125 Answers
In Przewodow, on the border with Ukraine
"Two stray rockets fell on Tuesday in the village of Przewodów in the province. Lublin. Two people died, Radio ZET reported unofficially."
(Google translate as I don't speak Polish)


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is there a possibility it strayed because it was shot down?
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But like I say I can’t really see that morally there’s any difference
Good reason now for Nato Air defence"inside" Ukraine me thinks, and about time.
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It is likely Poland will indeed extend their air defence over the border
I this report were to in fact be true that Russia has caused this, would NATO invoke article 5??
They could of course, chrisuk.
Something like this was always bound to happen. Certainly, NATO could look at extending air defence inside Ukraine.
On TV news now, Russia is, of course denying everything.
Not good.
There’s talk of invoking article 4.

article 5 was spoken about a few weeks into the conflict and seeing this headline tonight made me sit up and look that's for sure.
Yes, chrisuk, it was probably the first thing that flew into every mind, understandably. There could be a few stages though, before invoking it. If it is, then it is.
carried on the beeb at 10
they think it is serious
problem is that the marxists at the Beeb are unable to assess anything that has a socialist flavour
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Article 4 is a no-brainer.
It just means everyone has a big confab.
It was also invoked after Russia’s invasion of Feb 24.
They’ll piece together the evidence and respond accordingly.

Just been watching that fecking idiot Infantino of FIFA calling for a ceasefire during the World Cup.
If ever there was a man with an inflated idea of his importance …
americans saying - if they didnt mean to , then it doesnt matter
Russians saying - well it certainly wasnt us: it must've been the Ukrainians
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Russia has hilariously blamed Germany
Not wishing to be insulting Itch - but more people listen to Infantino infantissimus, than perhaps to you....

( john lennon solving the viet war etc - having a bed in for peace
" give peace a chance.."etc) - ono supporting in a cracked far eastern voice
Poles saying : even WE dont know....
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In other news, Ukraine seems to have cut off the gas to Hungary :-)
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Ha ha peter no doubt they do but no one will be listening to his calls for a ceasefire. Stick to the football and the kickbacks bozo
oh infantino is probably taking a leaf out of the ancient greek book to show how educated he is....

During the Peloponnesian war 320-299 BC or thereabout - everything stopped for Olympic Games ( I think )
( there is one battle where the Spartans send a message - we cant join in, we are having a religious hoolie)
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“Football is a great opportunity for peace”
Is it b*ll*cks
Doesn’t have to be El Salvador v Honduras revisited but two guys squaring up in the pub over a VAR decision.
And the beery camaraderie of the fanzones never lasts.
Will Qatar be beery?

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