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Are You Pro Or Anti Qatar Hosting The World Cup?

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piggynose | 16:31 Sat 19th Nov 2022 | News
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I don't think it should have been awarded to Qatar, but it was. Get over it.

Let the football begin.
We're going to disagree, Hoppy. If we "keep getting over it" things never change.
I won't watch at all. I think Dave was going to watch some until he saw my face. He may have changed his mind. :-)
Most of these poor oppressed workers will have been glad of the riches they could send home.
I've been a foreign worker in that part of the world.
The dead ones won't be sending money home and none were treated well, Hoppy. Officials in Qatar made many promises in order to get the World Cup and have broken them. That alone should have made everyone pull out.
Apart from that there is more that I detest about the nation.....I do love Rod Stewart though. :-)
We should stop buying their gas then. Oh, hang on ....
I think that's what Infantino is saying: that the west will take a firm moral stand as long as it doesn't cost us anything. We moan about the way Qatar treats migrant workers, while planning to send ours to Rwanda.
we arent sending hop pickers to Rwanda but the boat people
we're sending them (or will be) to stop them becoming migrant workers. Qatar is taking them in first and then mistreating them
It should never have gone there.
The people who actually going there at enormous costs must be crazy.
What are they supposed to do between matches in that concrete & glass hellhole?
I wont even be watching it on TV
I am anti, should never have been given it. They just bribed all the FIFA members who are mainly as bent as a butcher's hook.
I have no interest in the WC this time, I think palms have been greased to have it there ,there’s 3 toon players in the squad and even that doesn’t float my boat
Bobs. You toon fans welcomed, with open arms, the money from the leader of a nation not that dissimilar to Qatar as regards human rights. PIF own 80% of Newcastle United and it's chairman is none other than Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.
I therefore find it a tad hypocritical that you would choose to boycott the world cup because of where it's being held.
Anti. I couldn't give a tiny rats wotsit about the world cup or ban of alcohol. It's the exploitation of the workers that bothers me.
////What are they supposed to do between matches in that concrete & glass hellhole?////

Go to the beach, sit around the pool in the luxurious hotels, take the wife to the souq or arrange an Escort girl to your room. Plenty to do.......I have been to Dubai for a holiday on a couple of occasions and really enjoyed ourselves.
It depends upon one's interest.
P.S..there will be no problem in obtaining alcohol.
^^^^but there might be if they are drunk and lurching about in the streets .
squad ; Sitting around pools & hookers in hotel rooms is (as the song says) 'my idea of nothing to do', but you go ahead. :0)

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