I think that the lady was asking where her family originated from. I think that is a genuine question, maybe not the time nor the place but it is hardly a major issue.
naomi - // AH, I’ve given my opinion. Why are you telling me to get over myself? //
My posts are often castigated for being verbose, which they sometimes are, but they could never be accused of lacking information about the point I am making.
Please feel free to re-read what I have posted in response to you today - it's all there.
roy - // While you have been pontificating on here I have been interacting with POC on twitter and despite what you and Elipsis think the black community are very divided over this. Many Africans thing she is guilty of cultural appropriation. I personally think cultural appropriation is nonsense but there you are. //
This discussion began about an incident at a palace reception, it has now morphed into the possible legalties of a charity.
I do understand that threads develop - but it still begs the question - why does anyone on here, posting about that subject, think that it's relevant to the discussion about what went on at the palace a few days ago?
naomi - Excellent, if you didn't understand it, I can't help you any further.
(This is your cue to stop answering me with some scoffing comment, so you are saved from actually defending your high-handed attitude about someone who none of us had heard of until the middle of the week).
AH. I just thought i would post the charity's governing document as approved by the Charity Commission so we could discuss it from a factual basis.
It was suggested that the organisation was racist but I made the point it's a protected characteristic and posted the governing document to support that.
Barmaid - // AH. I just thought i would post the charity's governing document as approved by the Charity Commission so we could discuss it from a factual basis.
It was suggested that the organisation was racist but I made the point it's a protected characteristic and posted the governing document to support that. //
That still doesn;t explain why the charity's status is in any way relevant to a discussion about its founder being insulted at a palace reception.
Are we going to delve into Lady Hussey's late husband's stewardship of the BBC?
The way things are going, I would not be surprised!!!!
Barmaid, I think we’re all aware that the charity is within the bounds of the law but I think what people are criticising is the hypocrisy of a woman who sets up a charity solely for a specific ethnic group but has no hesitation in playing the race card when it suits her purpose.
I was answering an earlier point, as the thread has developed. However I accept my answers were not strictly in answer to the OP. I apologise. I'd be content if you or another mod could remove them.
Roy - In answer to your confusion - yes black members of Twitter are members of the black community, just not all of it, giving a united view of every black person in the UK.
it is a generational thing..the old dear clearly is of that age and did not mean any harm or insult... and I do believe the "offended party" rather has a history of playing the race card with the Royal family too ? more snow flake knee jerk reaction mixed in with a big dose of self righteous media/publicity based offence... life is a big egg shell walk at times and bloopers like this should be treated as such..
Naomi - Yes Roy is grasping at straws, but he's doing his best, and he is someone who shares your ludicrous need for 'trust' and all that nonsense, so don't be too hard on him, you need all the friends you can get.
Murraymints - As I pointed out in one of my first answers on here - age is not an excuse for bad manners, especially not in Lady Hussey's position where manners are at a premium.
And it's interesting to note that it was actually Lady Hussey's 'playing the race card' that caused the incident in the first place.