how can the taliban accuse him of war crimes as he's stated that he killed taliban ,its a war, people die ? war crimes as far as i've always understood are those the break the geneva convention
Generally speaking common sense went out the window some while ago with all this. A few people are going to feel mighty foolish in a few years time.
The same people who thought Lady Diana’s brother was the most influential man of the 20th century because of a few *** remarks at a funeral.
What was his name again ;-‘
Off the subject slightly (sick to death about Harry) - Just went to recorded the new episode of Midsommer Murders later in the week and blow me down it has been replaced with a Harry interview with Tom Brady - ENOUGH!!
Come to think of it and having read the DT, I hate to be a cynic but was his declaration about knocking off the Taliban and their subsequent response part of his and the Duchess of Dreary's masterplan. How can the UK Government, even the Yanks, turn down his security coverage - and, hence, he avoids the expense.
as to a fatwa, he has't denigrated the Prophet in his writings - or has he - and I don't think KCIII and Harry's 'beloved' bro quite qualify for being prophets in the Muslim faith - yet.