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Anyone Listening To Zelenskyy?

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ToraToraTora | 14:12 Wed 08th Feb 2023 | News
69 Answers
Very moving.


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Fwiw I thought your comment was a little odd too Helen. Just so Tora doesn’t think he’s in a minority of one
15:49 Wed 08th Feb 2023
We've not 'promised' any jets and we certainly won't be promising them all.
“ There are two sides to every story”

I’m not sure that’s the case here :-)
Ich - there are two sides to this story - Putin's and humanity.
Yes there is reality and KremlinWorld.

I often wonder some of the Kremlin spokespersons and talking heads on Russian TV actually believe what they say. Some of it is grotesque.
But it’s been like that for a long while.
Someone said that propagandists don’t try to make you believe something: they get to make you believe nothing. That certainly seems the case with media in Russia for the last quarter of a century nearly
The best leader they’ve ever had was Gorbachev in my opinion
The problem Russia has now when it makes threats like that is:
They’ve already done their worst. Putin overplayed his hand on Feb 24 and with the subsequent atrocities. We already know what what are and what they do.

I agree about Gorbachev.
It’s not a great field though :-)
Well said TTT. I don't always agree with you on this occasion you have my full-hearted support. I think the man certainly did not expect the troubles he has faced since becoming president. He has stepped up to the mark very successfully imo. There are bound to be rogues, etc., in his government as there are in all governments. Sarcastic remarks are not welcome or even very considerate in these circumstances.
I think he has done very well in all this
There has been a scandal in the defence ministry involving corruption which is why the probably blameless Reznikov is moving on.
I was wondering when I heard on the news this morning whether he'd pop down my way and sure enough he did ;-)
Is that Bovington Camp?
what, Prudie, you've had a visit from Reznikov - or is it Putin? Didn't realise you speak Rusky.....
It was Lulworth Camp really. Obviously I didn't see him but I might have seen the Chinook he went back in. Not sure.
the old cove that he is.....
Challenger tanks will be in Ukraine next month.
I hope the others will be as quick
why does it take the planes longer to arrive than the tanks?
And availability of the actual planes.
And the fact, let’s be honest, that the mindset for planes has been slower to date.
It’s heartening to hear the PM say that nothing is off the table. And he’s talking about long range missiles
I know - just being cynical - time to take the lead and up the ante and clear Moscow out - or force an assassination at the very least.
UK Challenger tanks are due there at the end of March (don’t hold your breath).
The German tanks are supposed to arrive in mid April. (Don’t hold your breath).
And the US Abrams tanks, sometime in the summer.

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