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Can Someone Tell These Brats......

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ToraToraTora | 15:40 Tue 21st Feb 2023 | News
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....that anything Austria does makes zero difference to world emissions. Why do they not target the countries that can make a difference?


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Alan Jones had it spot on.
18:50 Tue 21st Feb 2023
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11th will do me gromiver, if we get to actual zero it still won't make any difference. It's good to see India are making strides though.
You can't tell other people what to do if you're seen not to be doing anything yourself.
TORATORATORA, why are you referring to GROMIT as GROMIVER?
"It's good to see India are making strides though"

They call them johdpurs old bean.
if everyone leaves it for somebody else to do something nothing will ever get done,
Gromiver is obvs, TTT 's way of saying Gromit and Gulliver say the same things... which isnt right at all, gromit quite often talks sense
//if global average surface temperatures reach 4 degrees of warming above pre-industrial levels then huge parts of the earth will be unfit for human habitation (though some areas will likely become habitable) and agriculture on the scale that we understand it will be impossible...//

If this is true (and I've some doubts that it is, but won't argue) then people will have to move and agriculture as we understand it will have to change to agriculture as we don't understand it. Because one thing is for sure - mankind has no more chance of controlling global average surface temperatures than it has of preventing the tides ebb and flow. Attempts have been ongoing in earnest for around forty years and have spectacularly failed, despite vast sums being expended. Average global temperatures are now about 0.8 degrees C above the 20th Century average. As a result of these failed efforts, European economies have suffered from energy insecurity and vast sums of what is essentially worthless money have been printed and used to pay citizens' energy bills. This will only worsen as it is not possible or sustainable to produce enough energy from so-called "renewables" (which include about 14m tons annually of mature timber, freshly felled on the other side of the Atlantic, processed and shipped to be burnt in Yorkshire).

This is a ludicrous state of affairs which is costing huge sums for no substantial benefit. Governments need to wise up and accept that the climate cannot be controlled. Producing "league tables" such as the one cited above, is simply window dressing. To believe otherwise is delusional - with far more damaging consequences than if they were to accept the truth.
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bang on once again judge.
TORATORATORA, you know the rule about having to refer to folk by their preferred name and the consequences of not doing so.

I suggest you grow up and knock it on the head.
"then people will have to move and agriculture as we understand it will have to change to agriculture as we don't understand it."

right but we were talking about which would be economically worse.... climate change or doing nothing about climate change... i think we can agree that billions of people fleeing uninhabitable zones and fighting over food will be worse than carbon credits or controlling emissions... which I agree will probably cause short term economic pain

the scenario i describe is one of the higher warming ones and is indeed preventable... if you understand what the greenhouse effect is then you understand how humans can and do affect global average surface temperatures... your opposition appears to be ideological rather than empirical
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Why are they brats?
In continually feeding this unachievable nonsense to our children, together with the encouragement of 'woke' ideas, we are instilling paranoia.

The latest 'initiative' comes from Morrison's Supermarkets, who in order to help save the planet are switching heating off and lights down at certain times, leaving customers in their shops in gloom, and one woman using their toilets in complete darkness. Seriously, what good will this do? And what happened to Health & Safety?
They're brats because TTT doesn't agree with them. In the same way that Frank Doberman disagrees about things.
Never pee’d in the dark Naomi?
H&S used to be slated on AB has an invention of the woke brigade and now you’re asking about it.
Quite amusing really.
Is it, RH? Really? What's funny about, say elderly people with poor eyesight and limited mobility having to negotiate around a store in half light? Or a mum with young children trying to shop whilst keeping her brood in check? You tell me.
No what’s amusing is you asking about H&S
Why? Do you not think it's relevant?
You have spent years on AB along with TTT slating H&S.
Now you quote it and ask where it is.
That is amusing
RH, What on earth are you talking about? Do you know - or did you just want to create friction again? Stupid initiatives in any area I'll criticise - but not those rules that are essential - as in this case.
I don’t create friction anymore than you do.

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