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Bring Back The Word 'Woman' Nhs Told

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naomi24 | 09:38 Thu 09th Mar 2023 | News
70 Answers
//The word "woman" must be used on NHS websites for cancer and pregnancy information, more than 1,000 doctors, nurses and health workers have told the service…. A letter drawn up by the Clinical Advisory Network on Sex and Gender, which is made up of NHS staff, said dropping the use of the word was disrespectful… Specifically, the NHS must use women's words for women's bodies and women's health problems... NHS.UK healthcare messaging shows a lack of concern for women, is disrespectful and insults women.//

Hear hear … but not only is airbrushing 'women' out disrespectful and insulting - giving the impression that people other than women (dare I say men?) are also affected by health problems and conditions that can apply only to women is just plain stupid. Why aren't they saying that too?


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You didn't wait for his response.
I did. I waited for the response given at 10:15. But it still is unhelpfully vague. Never mind that there's no sense in which, as stated, it's even remotely achievable.
Easy to deal with. NHS should use the word women where they mean women and to help those who are genuinely or deliberately confused about the meaning have an explanatory note somewhere at the end or start of a long document that says what they mean , eg those who are biologically born as a woman /have certain body features following surgery
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//It should be obvious, especially to someone who often tries to champion free speech, why trying to "ban" that is problematic. //

Does OG champion free speech? I don't know. But that said, since free speech on this issue seems to be valued by you, why is it that you deny it to others by insisting they use language acceptable to you but unacceptable to them?
Thousands of years of evolution and humans are arguing over what pronoun should be given to "man" and "woman".
This sort of ludicrous nonsense should be consigned to a Dr.Seuss book.

Good job there isnt a cost of living crisis or war on, or strikes and key labour shortages and large national debts and a climate emergency.... then we'd really have something to obsess over
I don't insist, I just ask. And sometimes not even that. I *do* insist on using my given name, but that should barely need any defence. Most people, in my experience, seem to be only too happy to refer to me the way I'd obviously wish to be. Whether that's because they only actually see a woman, or because they understand that there's no reason to be anything other than polite, you'd have to ask them. For those who don't, it's a weird hill to die on for sure. Why bother when it's inevitably going to create conflict? And if it genuinely bothers you then there are easy neutral ways around it -- by, for example, always referring to someone in the third person by their name.

As for how to refer to trans people who are members of AB, well, it's not really me insisting, is it? It's part of the Site Rules.
Why not treat everyone with respect and courtesy.
Simple solution to a complicated (to some) problem.
The whole 'trans' debate is beyond tedious and just plain embarrassing. Was anyone unfortunate enough to watch University Challenge on Monday, with 'Emily', the captain of the Robert Gordon team? Toe-curling.
Yes, God forbid that we should ever see trans people in public...

Get over yourself.
He was no more convincing as a woman than I would be if I put on a dress
Didnt see it gg but I cant imagine why it would be toecurling.... but your going to have to put up with curling toes or lighten up as theres a clear trend for more programmes to feature either transgender or drag queens (dancing on ice, stephs packed lunch seems to have one in the small audience/panel most days), and no doubt ads will follow soon now
Depending on her wishes, medical transition to "convincing" can take a good deal of time. It's no reason to shut herself off from the world in the meantime in order to spare your blushes. And, besides, it's more about what she wants than what you find "convincing".
I suggest it should be 'Emily' who should be blushing, not me.
Why though? She seemed confident enough in her own skin. Not her fault if you find seeing her toe-curling.
Well done to Emily for being brave enough to do what she/he feels most comfortable as. I agree with Clare on this.
Clare out of interest, are you now 'clare' all the time in public (friends, family, work, research papers etc?)?
> If transgender people exist ...

Well ... do they? Evidently so, I would say.

The nomenclature is debatable, in that different people have different opinions.

And another problem is that a myriad issues, from form-filling to Oscar-nominating to prison-populating, have been created on a binary state and the world has moved on a bit and is not binary any more. When trying to put a non-binary population into a binary box, the answer will depend on who is answering ...
Thanks for asking, Bobbin :) I'd be happy to answer in a less public setting, although I am not sure how easy it is to achieve that via AB.
CLARE, you need only discuss what you're happy to discuss.

If in doubt, don't.
Thanks clare.... i'm just wondering whether some will use different pronouns or be a different gender depending on how they feel at a particular time or depending on there audience- eg someone might be Suzy at night or weekends or with family but John at work or in certain company like in a sports team

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