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'Hand On Heart, I Did Not Lie'

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Roobaba | 09:32 Thu 23rd Mar 2023 | News
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Boris Johnson challenged in hearing: Key moments - BBC News

.. Lie or no lie?


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That man would not know how to tell the truth if it jumped up and slapped him in the face!
He has been lying for most of his adult life!
Johnson will be judged to be a liar or a gulllible incompetent; that's the way his legal team has chosen to go.
13:08, yes but do you have any actual examples?
TTT; Examples of what? If you mean lies, then why ask me? I haven't called him a liar.
redhelen 13:08, yes but do you have any actual examples?
If I give you examples - you are going to debunk every single one of them.
13:24 Not if they are actual porkies. The definition of a lie seems to be a very difficult concept for some on here to grasp.
Watching Boris Johnson waffle and bluster yesterday was triggering a long ago memory of someone else.
It came to me eventually but I checked YouTube to make sure.

I was right. Billy Bunter.
ttt @ 12.44 I gave you an example of one of Boris's Porkies at 10 00 Do you want me to come and read it out to you?
In spite of the constant impotent gnashing of teeth on here, and in the wider world, it's going to be impossible to prove that Mr Johnson did not act in good faith when following the advice he confirms he was given.

You can't mind-read and prove that someone did or did not know something at a specific time in the past.

All Mr Johnson has to do is continue to maintain his position - that he believed the information he was given to be correct, and he cannot be blamed for subsequent infomrtion proving it to be incorrect.

You can't try and condemn someone on the basis of 20/20 hindsight, that is not how the legal process operates.

The media, MP's, and the great and good will have to accept that it's not a matter of what they 'know', it's a matter of what they can prove, and that is clearly going to be impossible.

We will go through the motions, Mr Johnson will be condemned as a liar or a fool, he will not care one jot, and we can all return to normal.
He claimed in parliament that he had been repeatedly assured that the gatherings he attended were in line with the rules and guidance.... he wasn't assured anything of the kind

he was asked in parliament whether or not there was a party on 13 November of the previous year and he categorically said "no".... but there was one and he was at it

his insistence that these events were essential for work is pathetic... it is obvious that he doesn't really believe it. He's been caught out lying and not for the first time... unfortunately it is a serious matter to do that to the house of commons however much boris may believe rules do not apply to him

he really is a dreadful politician and should stick to what he's good at
I'm surprised that TTT is actually sticking his head above the parapet today when his hero has made a public fool of himself on live TV while trying to defend his indefensible actions and assertions.
"You can't try and condemn someone on the basis of 20/20 hindsight, that is not how the legal process operates"

His 'punishment' would be that a recommendation, that he be suspended from his job for a number of days, be sent to the HoC for a vote. Some here seem to think that he's on the stairs to the scaffold.
13:34, I know a Captain Hindsight, does that count?
No, Major Fallacy, it does not.
douglas - // "You can't try and condemn someone on the basis of 20/20 hindsight, that is not how the legal process operates"

Precedent? //

How can there be a precedent for something that does not, and cannot exist?

I think you are rushing in to pick a fight without thinking through what your strategy is going to be - again.
Andy Hughes 13.29..... "You can't mind-read"....
You can when it comes to Boris Johnson.
Diddlydo 13.34 Think it's time for TTT to take those blinkers off.
It's common knowledge that when Boris is,
on the Ropes he will swear on oath that black is white and white is black. But it sounds very Amateurish when TTT attempts it.
Precedent in as much as he's a known teller of tales, a liar in plain English, so his previous actions can certainly be added to the heady brew.

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